It's supposedly Constitutional, BUT | INFJ Forum

It's supposedly Constitutional, BUT

just me

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
Why can't our new government focus on our needs and security? If they want Trump tried, quit wasting our money and time with it.

Take him to court! Let the attorneys get paid for it. File a suit against him and see what the judge says. Bring your evidence to the courtroom. Stop wasting our tax dollars.

Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord.
I don't follow much US politics, but it does seem very petty to remove someone from office, when they're already out of office.

Sort of reminds me of Henry VIII exhuming the bodies of his executed enemies, to re-execute and dismember them.

I think they should just move forward, because this just makes them look nuts.
I don't follow much US politics, but it does seem very petty to remove someone from office, when they're already out of office.

Sort of reminds me of Henry VIII exhuming the bodies of his executed enemies, to re-execute and dismember them.

I think they should just move forward, because this just makes them look nuts.
Congress isn't removing Yrump from office, they're ensuring he can never hold office again.
His attempt at insurrection should be dealt with a as we deal with all who commit treason

Do you only get your information from the TV? This wasn't even an insurrection as there are dozens of videos posted online of police opening the doors letting these people in.
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What do you make of all those businesses antifa burned down over the summer and how that got a free pass by the media?
What do you make of the notion of 'whataboutisms'?

To my knowledge, 'the media' are not impeachable by dint of holding no public office.

You say that it wasn't an insurrection because the crowd was let in by the police, but there is also evidence to show that their entry was forced in other places. I asked you what you made of that.

You are of course entitled not to answer my question, but you should probably keep your responses on-topic.
Insurrectionists generally don't leave a building politely, after taking some selfies.

Obviously, there seemed to be some genuinely malicious people, but also many genuinely peaceful-protestor type people.

Just let the police review the hundreds of hours of footage, and charge the appropriate persons.

This seems too much like soccer, where players will feign injury, and claim someone broke their leg, when the video shows their elbows touched.
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You guys broke me, I cant take anymore of this accidental comedy my sides will split :tearsofjoy:
Each is invited to an opinion.

My opinion syncs with the law of the land. Commit a crime do the time. Why didn't he lead the March if he's so certain his election was stolen? Instead, he went and watched it unfold on TV so he wouldn't get his little hands any dirtier. Not only a fraud but a coward too.
What do you make of the notion of 'whataboutisms'?

To my knowledge, 'the media' are not impeachable by dint of holding no public office.

You say that it wasn't an insurrection because the crowd was let in by the police, but there is also evidence to show that their entry was forced in other places. I asked you what you made of that.

You are of course entitled not to answer my question, but you should probably keep your responses on-topic.

OK can we like uninstall the public education for a moment and take a long look at who really benefited from all this instead of just repeating the same old lines as clearly it was never in Trump's favor from the git go. I guess Reichstag Fire never rang a bell...
OK can we like uninstall the public education for a moment and take a long look at who really benefited from all this instead of just repeating the same old lines as clearly it was never in Trump's favor from the git go. I guess Reichstag Fire never rang a bell...
Are you saying that the Capitol invasion was instigated by Trump's opponents to discredit him/his supporters, just as the Nazis blamed the Reichstag Fire on the Communists?