Is there a polar opposite to INFJ?

Those are both good starting points, but I've noticed some conflicts between some different opinions. Those are based on how functions work together, and according to the socionics, INFJs and ESTPs are basically totally conflicting (even in the socionic scale) where as other sites say they get along very well...
Those are based on how functions work together, and according to the socionics, INFJs and ESTPs are basically totally conflicting (even in the socionic scale) where as other sites say they get along very well...

Actually they are Duals which is supposed to be the most compatible relationship. In Socionics NiFe is considered an INFp.
Actually they are Duals which is supposed to be the most compatible relationship. In Socionics NiFe is considered an INFp.

Yeah, that might have been where I went wrong with socionics :B
But that would make more sense.

How does socionics differ from mbti? I know there is a difference, and I thought I kind of had an idea of what it was, but then I've never been quite sure...
How does socionics differ from mbti? I know there is a difference, and I thought I kind of had an idea of what it was, but then I've never been quite sure...

Actually there is a Socionics thread but it didn't get much interest. It's probably because Visual Identification makes Socionics an unpopular theory. If you discard the V.I. crap and figure out how they define the J/P classifications, Socionics can be interesting.

A lot of Socionics proponents claim that MBTI and Socionics can't be compared because the functions are defined differently. The problem is that the function descriptions seem similar for extraverted types (type descriptions are similar to MBTI type descriptions) but get incredibly confusing for introverted types (type descriptions are similar to MBTI type descriptions, but what was once attributed to NiFe is now attributed to FiNe, etc).

Socionics does seem to have the best descriptions for intertype relationships if you know to switch the J/P for for introverts.
Thanks for that explanation Blackbird. It's way too complicated for me!
Actually there is a Socionics thread but it didn't get much interest. It's probably because Visual Identification makes Socionics an unpopular theory. If you discard the V.I. crap and figure out how they define the J/P classifications, Socionics can be interesting.

A lot of Socionics proponents claim that MBTI and Socionics can't be compared because the functions are defined differently. The problem is that the function descriptions seem similar for extraverted types (type descriptions are similar to MBTI type descriptions) but get incredibly confusing for introverted types (type descriptions are similar to MBTI type descriptions, but what was once attributed to NiFe is now attributed to FiNe, etc).

Socionics does seem to have the best descriptions for intertype relationships if you know to switch the J/P for for introverts.

So, basically, you just switch the j/p for introverted types? That's all you have to do? Because I really don't think I'll be able to figure it out if it's a bunch of switching around functions and all that :B
Those are both good starting points, but I've noticed some conflicts between some different opinions. Those are based on how functions work together, and according to the socionics, INFJs and ESTPs are basically totally conflicting (even in the socionic scale) where as other sites say they get along very well...

... my g/f, CokeNut, is ESTP... i'm INFJ... we have our 'couple moments', but we seem to get along pretty good... (of course, she says my opinion on everything is either 'pretty good' or 'pretty cool' anyways... lol...)

*sidenote: she's suppose to be here tonight and she wants me to show her how to navigate the new site...

:cheesyass grin:
hey guys!!!! hopefully i'll get this straight tonight and I'll post under Cokenut tomorrow :)

SHOW ME!!!!! :) email or pm ... we're going to log me in now ....
hey its me .... i've missed you guys terribly!

by the way Satya ... inner demon? hahahahaha! That was priceless!
... my g/f, CokeNut, is ESTP... i'm INFJ... we have our 'couple moments', but we seem to get along pretty good... (of course, she says my opinion on everything is either 'pretty good' or 'pretty cool' anyways... lol...)

*sidenote: she's suppose to be here tonight and she wants me to show her how to navigate the new site...

:cheesyass grin:

Yeah, my best friend that ever was is ESTP. Which is why I was really skeptical about the whole idea of INFJs and ESTPs being "conflicting"

Cuz, let's face it; ESTPs are just way too much fun :D

CokeNut: Wazzup, how've you been!
Nah INFJs and ESTPs aren't conflicting, more xSTJs then anything else in all truth. The only reason I get along with most SJs in truth is because our relationships are based on staying out of each others way.
Nah INFJs and ESTPs aren't conflicting, more xSTJs then anything else in all truth. The only reason I get along with most SJs in truth is because our relationships are based on staying out of each others way.

Really? I don't usually have too much trouble with them, I think...then again, though, I think my dad might have a few ISTJ tendencies. Of course, I really don't know what he is, but I think it's something IxTJ...
hey gloomy :) I/ve been wel but busy ... hanging with Jax today .... we participated in atlanta's AIDS Walk today and we are BEAT!