Interests you share vs. those kept for yourself | INFJ Forum

Interests you share vs. those kept for yourself


Sep 5, 2009
So, what are some interests you like to share with others - whether friends, family, or other enthusiasts?

And what are those interests you prefer enjoying on your own; ones you don't want to share with anyone else?
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So, what are some interests you like to share with others - whether friends, family, or other enthusiasts?
-I like to watch tv with my family, go to the movies with friends, talk about relationships with friends, discuss insights about things with other people who are just as interested in the subject as I am, etc.

And what are those interests you prefer enjoying on your own; ones you don't want to share with anyone else?
- I like to read alone, listen to music, walk outside, work on the computer, etc.
It really depends on the person who I am dealing with - I try to intuit what things they might like to talk about or might feel awkward about talking about and how they might judge me for what I say, then I mirror them for the most part. I'll bring up some interests I have that I might not be confident that they'll be comfortable/enthusiastic talking about as well if they are important to me just to "cover" everything so it's not like I'm giving them inaccurate or dishonest info, but I won't delve into them if the person doesn't seem interested.

Another thing it depends on is how close I am to the person. If they know me well then I won't worry about making them uncomfortable by talking to them about weird stuff.
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Sadly, unless I've got a seesaw to conquer, I prefer to do most things alone now a days.
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I guess most of my interests are interests I share with other people. Music, trivia, politics, chess, strategy games and so on, mainly because having more than one person invilved is often more fun.

as for private interests, I tend to keep my love of reading to myself, mainly because I never like reading in groups or with friends. I also keep songwriting to myself because it's just something I prefer doing alone before sharing my written work.
Most of my interests are technical (mathematics, EE, inventions, etc.) so I share them with no one except, sometimes, the patent office.
So, what are some interests you like to share with others - whether friends, family, or other enthusiasts?
-Gourmet cooking - We've got a rotating dinner group... where each couple takes turns making delicious things for the others.
-Fantasy art - I've got in-person and online friends who are also illustrators.
-General appreciation for fantasy/sci-fi and geek culture - I share this with my husband.
-Walking and exploring new places - Again with my husband.
-Photography - Ditto. With husband.

And what are those interests you prefer enjoying on your own; ones you don't want to share with anyone else?
Yoga and running - These are activities I like to do on my own as a moving meditation of sorts.
-Journaling - A rather obvious alone activity.
-Playing story driven video games (namely RPGs) - I generally take the consoles and my husband plays mostly on PC.
-Fantasy writing - A solitary creative activity. (When it comes down to it the actual act of making fantasy art is solitary as well.)
-Reading - Fantasy books and spiritual books.
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So, what are some interests you like to share with others - whether friends, family, or other enthusiasts?
MBTI. Psychology, a bit of dissecting psyche. Sometimes art, or culinary world, but I need to learn more about those two.

And what are those interests you prefer enjoying on your own; ones you don't want to share with anyone else?
Aw. of course I have those. <3
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I prefer to nap in private, read, draw, watch t.v., study, walk, work out, compute... but, as someone else mentioned, it really depends on the company. Intuitive introverts can be right next to me for days without draining me, so... I rather enjoy their company.
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Intuitive introverts can be right next to me for days without draining me, so... I rather enjoy their company.

Indeed. Or, in fact, for years =P
I thought of something else. Self help courses. Alone. Reading. No groups, thank you.
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[MENTION=1669]Carrie[/MENTION] ohhhh I misinterpreted "share with others" I thought you meant "what interests do I like talking about with others" vs. "what do I actually like to do with others"!

So to answer your question properly this time...

I really wouldn't mind doing anything with other people. I enjoy company most of the time. Seriously, like even if I were to do an activity such as shave my pubes in the shower, I'd be okay doing it with a friend.

I do enjoy having some time on my own though to do things like roam around downtown to think about things, to research and read about things I'm personally interested in (they always change) at home on the computer or at the library, and I like going to saunas/bathhouses and swimming on my own.

I also prefer shopping on my own when I'm looking for specific things, because it's more efficient. I like to do "fun" aimless shopping with other people though.
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So, what are some interests you like to share with others - whether friends, family, or other enthusiasts?

Cars!!!!!!!!!! play and watch sports games, videogames, beach, read, eat out, talk about world conditions and affairs, play figt (wrestle with little bro), watch t.v and do other shenanigans.

And what are those interests you prefer enjoying on your own; ones you don't want to share with anyone else?

Delving deeper into psychology, theories, spiritual research, researching the phenomenon, meditating and connecting events to maybe see a possible occurence in the future, learnign about anything really, listening and interpreting music, midnight drives (hell yeah) and I do much MUCH more by myself. Solitude is my companion so I rarely feel lonely. :D
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So, what are some interests you like to share with others - whether friends, family, or other enthusiasts?

Depends on the person and if they enjoy it as well. I like to share new music, be a dork and jam out on the piano/guitar with my brother whilst singing to an imaginary mic, play computer games, go to the movies, cooking, river tubing? did that for the first time this year and was really fun. hiking, jet skiing, pretty much any outdoor activity. If the persons comfortable, I'll talk about relationships, psychology, news, etc. I suck with being up to date with fashion, girly stuff, although I enjoy it. I can't talk/hang out all day, then again the next day. I need time to recharge. I'll go out maybe every two weeks, if that.

And what are those interests you prefer enjoying on your own; ones you don't want to share with anyone else?

My most time consuming interest - learning/reading anything. I'll only share if I know it interests someone else such as my brother, reading - you can be in the same room with me watching a movie, but I'm gonna chill and read my book and zone you out. Financing, Studying for college classes - just always been that way. Random night walks to just recollect myself. Drawing.. think thats it. But I agree with CAptain, solitude is my companion and I rarely feel lonely. [MENTION=4015]purplecrayons[/MENTION]
Intuitive introverts can be right next to me for days without draining me, so... I rather enjoy their company.
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