INFP VS INFJ | Page 2 | INFJ Forum


I think that article is the smelliest load of crap I've ever read and does not in any way demonstrate our differences! The person who wrote must be confused about their type and has little knowledge on cognitive functions... you know, what the freakin letters mean!

The major differences between an INFP and an INFJ isn't the P or the J. It's the N and the F which people often think it makes us similar. Yes we're both intuitive feelers, but the differences are so vast that an INFJ would be more apt to resemble a feelery INTJ at times rather than an INFP.

INFPs lead with Fi. The volcano that lies beneath the surface just waiting to erupt. How does this affect me? How do I feel about it? OMG what is the world going to think of me about this?!
Fi is very much about self, and how that self interacts with the world around an INFP. When pushed, when unhealthy, or with too much stress, the volcano bursts hence the reason why most people think we're too sensitive and overly emotional.

An INFJ leads with that crazy Ni, just like an INTJ and uses Fe as a secondary. I can't say I know much about Ni, but it's crazy to see in action. I've known and loved quite a few INFJs on a deeply personal level and the Ni is amazing, and extremely quick, whereas their Fe is a little slower. They need time and space to disect what they are feeling before they can even say what it is they are feeling. An INFP knows instantly.

Also, if that first statement I made offended you in any way, made you worry about all the hurt feelings and such, that's INFP. An INFJ would let me vent an opinion without personalizing it.

Ironically, most INFPs dislike me, a fellow INFP, because I call things out like the emotional differences and they take personal offense. Another perfectly INFP trait.
Ironically, most INFPs dislike me, a fellow INFP, because I call things out like the emotional differences and they take personal offense. Another perfectly INFP trait.

INFPs are like... when momma cats murder their kittens when something is off with it. INFPs want to murder their cringeworthy past selves. I hope I triggered someone with this analogy.
INFPs are like... when momma cats murder their kittens when something is off with it. INFPs want to murder their cringeworthy past selves. I hope I triggered someone with this analogy.

INFPs are like... when momma cats murder their kittens when something is off with it. INFPs want to murder their cringeworthy past selves. I hope I triggered someone with this analogy.
