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Illegal President

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Feb 8, 2009
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Radio Host Discusses The Betrayal Papers,
Obama’s Connections to The Muslim Brotherhood
by Sharon Rondeau

(Apr. 17, 2015) – On Thursday evening, host Andrea Shea King headlined her radio show by stating the topic as “Barack Hussein Obama.”

King is a contributor to “The Betrayal Papers” series, which recently published Part V focusing on Obama’s associations with shadowy Islamic figures, lack of authenticatable documentation, connections to The Muslim Brotherhood, and the financing of Obama-supportive groups by George Soros.

King reported that Alan Jones of 1776Channel posted an article on a “newly-unearthed video” posted by 22-CityView last month in which Obama admits to having been “schooled” by communist Frank Marshall Davis in Hawaii. Jones observed that the mainstream media failed to report on the video and Obama’s statement which belie the media’s insistence that Davis played little to no part in Obama’s life.

On Wednesday, The Post & Email obtained an exclusive interview with CityView’s director, Calvin Lindsay, who explained that the video was found in an off-storage facility where CityView staff were recently conducting inventory. Lindsay reported that while the station was aware that it possessed a video of Obama, it was pleasantly surprised to find it in pristine condition, particularly given its two-decades-old vintage.

King noted that just before the 2012 election, The New York Times had called it “implausible” that Obama was mentored by Davis and/or is Obama’s biological father. Davis had an extensive FBI file and wrote a book describing illegal activity with underage young women.

King quoted an “Iranian activist” who has said that Obama spent his childhood in Kenya and that he is a Shiite Muslim.

The Iranian Republic, with which the Obama regime has reportedly forged a “deal” about its nuclear development program, is governed by Shiite Muslims. Iranian negotiators have claimed that Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have misrepresented the framework of the agreement, which reportedly allows Iran to continue enriching uranium which could build a nuclear weapon.

A criminal investigation now in its fourth year concluded in March 2012 that Obama’s long-form birth certificate posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 is a “computer-generated forgery.” The birth certificate image states that Obama was born in Honolulu, HI on August 4, 1961, but lead investigator Mike Zullo has announced publicly that his team has found no evidence that Obama was ever in Hawaii before the age of five.

In the video, Obama spoke of “going back to Kenya” with his wife, Michelle, and interacting with the natives there. He referred to a childhood game by asking rhetorically, “What was that game we used to play as children?…,” then invoking a term spoken in another language.

In 2008, Michelle Obama referred to Kenya as “Barack’s home country.” Obama’s original biography published by his literary agent in 1991 heralding his first book, Dreams From My Father, from which Obama read in the 1995 video, stated that he was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii” as discovered by Breitbart News in May 2012.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, thousands, if not millions, of Americans asked their congressmen to investigate whether or not Obama was a “natural born Citizen” as required by Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution for the presidency. Members of Congress either failed to respond, dispatched form letters repeating the mantra that Obama was born in Hawaii and therefore was qualified, or said that the issue was “not important,” as in the case of now-Sen. Richard Blumenthal and former Connecticut Attorney General to this writer early in 2009. - © 2015, The Post & Email. All rights reserved. Source Link.


The official language of Kenya is English. Note the proximity to Somalia. Note Iran and Obama playing footsies and telling lies. Note the harsh responses to Obama's policies toward Russia, but holding hands with Iran. Selling our Uranium mines and factories to Russia. Does Obama want Russia to invade the US? To destroy the US?

Go answer your cell phone. Wouldn't want to miss that text.
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jesus christ....gtfo birther
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i see [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] has a padawan.
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Blah blah blah blah Birther rhetoric blah blah blah Republican talking points blah blah blah.

Explain Ted Cruz then...
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A Public Policy Polling (PPP) national survey conducted between February 20th and February 22nd of Republican voters, found that an astonishing 57 percent of Republicans want to dismantle the Constitution, and establish Christianity as the official national religion. Only 30 percent oppose making Christianity the national religion.
Although the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment clearly states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” GOP voters want to cast aside that provision and impose Christianity as the official American religion.
While a number of red states have passed statutes forbidding the implementation of Islam-based sharia law in their states, Republicans apparently have no misgivings about turning the United States into a Christian theocracy. The poll’s crosstabs reveal that support for making Christianity the official religion is strongest among Mike Huckabee (94 percent), Rick Perry (83 percent), and Ben Carson (78 percent) supporters.
Ben Carson is the preferred presidential candidate of those who want to impose Christianity on the nation with 24 percent support. Mike Huckabee and Scott Walker are tied for 2nd place at 16 percent. Scott Walker (35 percent) and Jeb Bush (22 percent) are the leading candidates among GOP voters who do not want to establish a national religion.
The PPP survey also found that 2/3rds of Republican voters do not believe in global warming, and 49 percent do not believe in the theory of evolution. Not only do they wish to establish a national religion, but it appears that their version of Christianity is one that is at odds with the scientific consensus in climatology and biology.
While a clear majority of Americans self-identify as Christians, most Americans outside the GOP, would be uncomfortable with conservative Dominionist theology. Dominionism calls for imposing a theocracy in America where Christianity is declared the official religion, and the nation is governed by “Biblical law”.
Republican voters seem all too eager to embrace Dominionist theology, even though doing so would violate the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Freedom of Religion is one of the bedrock principles established in our founding documents. Republican voters are gearing up to elect candidates who will undermine the First Amendment and take away our Freedom of Religion. Independents and Democrats must be prepared to stop any candidate who would dismantle the Establishment Clause, whether it be Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson or one of the other GOP presidential candidates.
So tired of this illegal president crap. Obama is Muslim crap - not that the president's religion matters, anyway.

I saw the title of this thread and already knew what its contents would be. I was not disappointed.
Blah blah blah blah Birther rhetoric blah blah blah Republican talking points blah blah blah.

Explain Ted Cruz then...

Did Ted Cruz give birth to Hussein?
I will soon be moving, if my property sells, far from these shores.
Obama placed Muslim Brotherhood over Egypt, knowing they support Hamas against Israel.

Obama has the worst rating of any US president in Israel......according to those alive.
Obama has the worst rating of any US president in Israel......according to those alive.
Obama Administration Wins Approval Across the World

Russian leadership, however, has hit a new low among the international community.

According to a new Gallup poll, foreign citizens think President Obama is doing a better job than just about anyone else in the world.
By Teresa Welsh April 21, 2015 | 6:26 p.m. EDT + More

The Obama administration has the highest approval rating of any country in the world among foreign citizens, according to a new poll conducted by Gallup. Forty-five percent of those polled approved of U.S. leadership, down one percentage point from 2013.

Russia had the lowest global approval rating, at just 22 percent. This is down two percentage points from 2013. Russian approval ratings have lagged behind those of the U.S., China, E.U., Germany and Russia since 2007, but in 2014 the gap grew wider; Russia was the only country with more disapprovals than approvals. The nine countries with the highest level of disapproval of Russia were in Europe, and five of those are NATO members.
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s European neighbors have become increasingly frustrated with his country’s advances into Ukrainian territory. Putin continues to deny that Russia is fueling the unrest in Eastern Ukraine following his annexation of the Ukrainian province of Crimea last year. Only 5 percent of Ukrainians approved of Russian leadership in 2014, which marks a 42 percentage point drop from 2013.
Americans had a 12 percent approval rating of Putin in 2014,​ a decrease of 11 percentage points from the previous year. In Russia, 82 percent disapproved of U.S. leadership and 70 percent disapproved of E.U. leadership.
Following Russia, the highest disapproval of the U.S. comes from the Palestinian Territories, at 72 percent. The Palestinian Territories also have high disapproval of the E.U. leadership, at 53 percent, and German leadership, at 67 percent.

Palestinians have consistently been road blocked by the international community in its attempts to seek statehood. The U.S. and Germany are both staunch Israeli allies, and the U.S. has been particularly defensive of Israel in the U.N. In December, the U.S. voted against a U.N. Security Council resolution that would have required establishment of a Palestinian State by 2017.
The U.S. supports a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but the last round of peace talks collapsed a year ago. The current political environment won’t allow for resumption any time soon, so the Palestinians have resorted to other measures, like joining the International Criminal Court, in an attempt to move toward statehood.
China’s overall approval rating remains at 29 percent, unchanged from the previous two years. Gallup does not ask Chinese residents their opinion on their own government or foreign governments “because of the sensitive nature of the question” in the Communist country.

The 10 countries with the highest approval of China are all in Africa, with Mali having the highest rating at 86 percent. The five countries with the highest disapproval of China are all European.
Gallup polled approximately 1,000 adults aged 15 or older in 135 countries or areas in the U.S., Germany and Russia and 136 countries or areas in the European Union and China. The study has a sampling error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.
Some funny shit here...
Wonder how Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt like him?

OMG! A half black President!!
Obama has the worst rating of any US president in Israel......according to those alive.

Well i guess it's a good thing he's not the President of State of Israel, huh?
The best thing Obama has accomplished may very well be the fact some countries are standing up against his ideals and wishes......and thinking for themselves.
