If you won the lottery what would you do?


Well-known member
For me
1) Buy an Campa Van
2)Learn to drive and get a driving licence :sunglasses:
3) Buy a piano
4) Buy a place to fit the piano in.
5) Go on a big adventure.

or maybe none of the above.
I would secure a money manager and set up a trust to accept the one time pay out rather than accept it myself. I would set up separate trusts for my children and for a few of my "children".

I already don't have any debt ... so I would work with my money manager to determine how much interest I could accumulate per year and figure out the difference I would need to make up by working (which I would still want to do because I love working and because I enjoy the health benefits and what not).

Buying a home would probably be my "splurge" item up front ... then I would live like I do now ... only I would take an awesome vacation with my kids each year ... and take a me vacation once a year too (where I would probably pay to bring along one of my girlfriends because my extroverted self would not have as much fun alone).
I would secure a money manager and set up a trust to accept the one time pay out rather than accept it myself. I would set up separate trusts for my children and for a few of my "children".

I already don't have any debt ... so I would work with my money manager to determine how much interest I could accumulate per year and figure out the difference I would need to make up by working (which I would still want to do because I love working and because I enjoy the health benefits and what not).

Buying a home would probably be my "splurge" item up front ... then I would live like I do now ... only I would take an awesome vacation with my kids each year ... and take a me vacation once a year too (where I would probably pay to bring along one of my girlfriends because my extroverted self would not have as much fun alone).
I need you in my life to fix me. N-no pressure.
1. Pay off my mortgage, STAT.
2. Buy a forested area near my house and put it into conservation so I'll never have neighbors, ever.
3. Open a nursing home for animals who have behavioral issues, or are too sick or old to live with people. They'd live their lives at said nursing home, safely, and would be cared for by staff.
4. Create a scholarship.
For me
1) Buy an Campa Van
2)Learn to drive and get a driving licence :sunglasses:
3) Buy a piano
4) Buy a place to fit the piano in.
5) Go on a big adventure.

or maybe none of the above.
Yes, a baby Grand piano!
Yes, a baby Grand piano!
I make myself sound pretentious but I do keep thinking about how great it'd be to be able to play the piano...
Great idea ^ but even that needs a bit of extra space.
Invest $15 million so that I can live off the investments for life
Stop working
Employ a private chef
A house cleaner
Employ a professional back scratcher
Buy a red audi Q5

With the $980 million left I would employ someone to invest it wisely so that a passive income is generated.
With that passive income I would employ an architect to design the perfect individual portable home that can be transported in a small backpack or locked, talk to the councils and buy land where people who are homeless can sleep and buy enough homes to give as many people a shelter as it can buy.
Employ someone to oversee the provision of food to the homeless.
Employ someone to ensure that each person has enough blankets, jackets to keep them warm.
Purchase a notebook to jot down plans of how & where best to spend it...Of course all this time I'd actually be spending it. Ha-ha.
1) withdraw large sum of cash, take selfie of myself with it, and text to my ex
2) give that sum to children's charities
3) hire a team to travel to Syria, to help the refugees and find and help Ibrahim, the son of Abu Wad (the last flower seller of Aleppo) and any of his family.
4) get on a plane to meet my friend
5) pay my taxes

I know the first part was mean and self indulgent, and in reality I'm "almost" sure I wouldn't do it... I'd be prudent on the donations part as well, in truth I'm quite careful with money generally. The rest I'd definitely do.

And Donald? If you're reading this? Pay attention to number 5. It's why you're going to get crushed on election night. Go cry on twitter if you want, but that's the reason.
How much?
I would buy a yacht and make it my main home for an indefinite amount of time. I dont even really like boats but I like the idea of going anywhere in the world and taking my relative home with me. I would have a few houses in areas I enjoy more than others. Then I would travel the world and host those people who wished to hang out with me.

Really rich... cultivate the money. Making more and more. Then invest and promote things like cheap clean energy, space travel and colorization, graphene and 3D printing of stronger and tougher materials.
1) withdraw large sum of cash, take selfie of myself with it, and text to my ex
2) give that sum to children's charities
3) hire a team to travel to Syria, to help the refugees and find and help Ibrahim, the son of Abu Wad (the last flower seller of Aleppo) and any of his family.
4) get on a plane to meet my friend
5) pay my taxes

I know the first part was mean and self indulgent, and in reality I'm "almost" sure I wouldn't do it... I'd be prudent on the donations part as well, in truth I'm quite careful with money generally. The rest I'd definitely do.

And Donald? If you're reading this? Pay attention to number 5. It's why you're going to get crushed on election night. Go cry on twitter if you want, but that's the reason.
No one cares about what taxes Trump has paid or has not. It has nothing to do with why he doesnt win if he doesnt. Hes not going to win because he is completely out of touch with common people. ..those that have to work constantly to pay the bills. Its clear hes spent most of his life doing whatever he wants and never needing a filter on his mouth.
@Eventhorizon it was a joke.. but you are 100% right about the filter.

I think people do care, as when billioinaires don't pay their taxes - regular people have to pay them instead. Worse even than doing it was admitting it, and saying it was smart, in a presidential debate on live tv in front of millions of people. He can blame the media for a lot of things, but not that part. He did that to himself.
@Eventhorizon it was a joke.. but you are 100% right about the filter.

I think people do care, as when billioinaires don't pay their taxes - regular people have to pay them instead. Worse even than doing it was admitting it, and saying it was smart, in a presidential debate on live tv in front of millions of people. He can blame the media for a lot of things, but not that part. He did that to himself.
It is smart. People who have money save it where they can. Think about it. When you do your taxes you claim every exemption that you can because its legal and you can. Why should Trump be any different? Why should anyone be any different. Absolutely agree he is smart for doing it.
It is smart. People who have money save it where they can. Think about it. When you do your taxes you claim every exemption that you can because its legal and you can. Why should Trump be any different? Why should anyone be any different. Absolutely agree he is smart for doing it.

Ok well we think differently.

I think when you have his kind of money it's a pretty crappy thing to do. It forces poorer people (who he professes to care about) to pay his share. The point here was that it was unprecedented for a presidential candidate to not provide their tax returns. My view is that hurt his popularity with more neutral voters, and demonstrated your own point - about his lack 'a filter on his mouth'.

Most people don't have anything like the sort of (I'll be diplomatic) 'options' he has in limiting his tax payments. If he had gone up in the polls after that debate I think there would be more evidence to support your view. He didn't, and many thought that was a key moment in the debate. He was more concerned with looking tough and 'winning' an argument, than keeping to a strategy. He could have side stepped it, and focused on her weaknesses, but he didn't. As he has said himself, he is 'not a politician'.

It may have gained him some support initially, but in moments like that ? Not so much. Just my opinion, I'm not asking you to agree. It really was just a joke.
I make myself sound pretentious but I do keep thinking about how great it'd be to be able to play the piano...
Great idea ^ but even that needs a bit of extra space.
Goncala alves tongue and grooved floors...
build a school-orphanage that can accomodate all street kids in my country..

build a nursing home where they'll feel loved and taken care of..

build my mom her dream house and give everything she wants..

build an apartment where my poor relatives can live comfortably..

provide education for my cousins..

give donations to those who needs it.. (animal shelter, drug rehabilitation, health services.. libraries)

as for me, i'd build myself a library like from the Beauty and the Beast.. and build an apartment so i still have monthly income aside from my work (coz i wont leave it)

the rest will be donated.

how nice it is to dream. :)
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