if you like something do you stick with it or change? | INFJ Forum

if you like something do you stick with it or change?


Sep 5, 2009
if you like something do you stick with it or change? For example, do your tastes in things, food, clothing, interests, and people stay the same or are you always looking for the next new thing?

or simply . . .

Do you tend to stick with the things you like or do you get tired of them after a while and change?
Mostly I stick with what I like.

When I get tired of it, I'll do something else for awhile,
but I'll always go back to what I like.
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Mostly I stick with what I like.

When I get tired of it, I'll do something else for awhile,
but I'll always go back to what I like.

Yeah, i tend to do the same. I'm not very adventurous. I know what i like and tend to prefer to stick with what i know than try something that's new which i worry may or may not be that great.
I rarely get tired of things I like. I am open to new interesting things though. It's not that I exactly change to new things easily, it's more like I may slowly drift away from them as new things become more relevant or preoccupying. I will always keep the tried and true things in my keepsake.
my tastes change but is something works for me I won't change it.
For example, my taste in clothes changes day to day but all my clothes are from the same colour palette because everything else makes me look like a half drowned vampire.
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I change things up, but that's because I like almost everything lol
I get bored with one thing, and I move on to the next, but I always come back to the first thing eventually -- if I had the ability, I would do it all at once, but that's not really an option
always stays the same, although my clothing style has "evolved" quite a bit.
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I do both depending on my overall mood.

Happy with Life
I will stick with things I like to the point of obsession. I have been known to eat exactly the same thing for lunch every day for a year before becoming bored.

When I like an idea it triggers more ideas and more ideas and I must explore them all, each one like a bigger high than the previous.

When I'm down however, my ideas become stagnant and my thinking lazy.

My desire for new things increase. I'll go shopping for clothes and jewellery. It doesn't really satisfy but for a moment I feel better. Luckily, even in this mood I stay within budget.
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i stick with it. i enjoy routines and i like doing the same things over and over again with little variation. the more routine, the happier i am. i don't like unexpected events, uncontrollable circumstances, or strange situations. i cultivate core interests and don't move outside them very much.
I do both depending on my overall mood.

Happy with Life
I will stick with things I like to the point of obsession. I have been known to eat exactly the same thing for lunch every day for a year before becoming bored.

Yep, me too [MENTION=3710]kiu[/MENTION] . when i get something for lunch and i like it, i almost always have it.
I'm mostly indifferent about things - but on very rare occasions I will find something that I reeeaaaalllly reeeaaally like.

However, it seems to be the rule that when I find something I especially like, it is discontinued or a one-off.

I don't get the opportunity to stick with what I like often... with the exception of Sushi.
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I do both depending on my overall mood.

Happy with Life
I will stick with things I like to the point of obsession. I have been known to eat exactly the same thing for lunch every day for a year before becoming bored.

When I like an idea it triggers more ideas and more ideas and I must explore them all, each one like a bigger high than the previous.

When I'm down however, my ideas become stagnant and my thinking lazy.

My desire for new things increase. I'll go shopping for clothes and jewellery. It doesn't really satisfy but for a moment I feel better. Luckily, even in this mood I stay within budget.

This pretty much. :)
I usually stick with things I like, but I try not to let that get in the way of trying new things.

I can cut ties and make radical changes in my lifestyle, tastes, habits... but I usually need to have a good reason for it, it would be very unlikely for me to do something like that on a whim.

When I get tired of something I'll change up, and make no fuss over it. I'm a conformist, I won't stick to anything if it doesn't feel good any more.

I changed a lot in the past ten years, but it was a steady change, and for a reason. There were things I thought I could never live without, only to be proven wrong.
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I tend to stay with things I like, primarily because I vent lots of energy into other creative projects.
Stick with it till it really sucks.
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I'm mostly indifferent about things - but on very rare occasions I will find something that I reeeaaaalllly reeeaaally like.

However, it seems to be the rule that when I find something I especially like, it is discontinued or a one-off.

I don't get the opportunity to stick with what I like often... with the exception of Sushi.

I think for me the best way to put it would be "refine" I like to find things I generally like and then narrow it down to my favorites while still being open to other variations of the same thing, but I am rarely swayed from my favorites once I find them. I actually love branding, there's just something about it that makes me feel good, like I know what to expect.
I've changed friend groups and interests a shit ton. Not gonna lie, I've never had a steady group of friends. It's weird. I feel like I've been friends with everybody yet have nothing in common with any of them. I'm similar and have similar likes but at the same time, I'm the exact opposite of everyone. It's weird.