If type were a color...

Fine, I'll play.

INTJ = Black

Black does not emit or reflect any color. However when heated black is the best emitter. Black is also known as the perfect absorber of light.

An INTJ is considered the most independent of all 16 types, and stereotypically as the coldest. Not even the powerful intuition of a INFJ can pierce the stoic nature of the INTJ.

The INTJ quite literally exists within a black and white mindset. There is no grey area within the mind of a INTJ. We consider every aspect of something and either apply it, or discard it.

Nothing can escape the pull of a Black Hole, however a Black Hole still emits massive energy and radiation.
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Oh, you guys are so full of yourselves :D I know you in real life -- and I hunt down that cuddly bit of light you have deep within your black, crispy souls.

All the stereotypes of INTJs come crashing down once you meet that pretty INTJ girl that loves shoes and bright colors.
I see INTJs as either ivory or cream, for some reason. Maybe a really, really gentle tan as well. Minimalist, for sure.
Oh, you guys are so full of yourselves :D I know you in real life -- and I hunt down that cuddly bit of light you have deep within your black, crispy souls.

All the stereotypes of INTJs come crashing down once you meet that pretty INTJ girl that loves shoes and bright colors.

LOL to our black crispy souls.

Our souls are probably chromatic or a prism of all colors because it would be representative of our internal machinations. Outwardly we are definately the color Black.

The joys of getting to know/love a INTJ is that we are actually extremely caring and can be quite silly.
I see INFJ as a very pale yellow colour, almost white but soft of the eyes and almost unnoticeable.
ENTP as scarlet so very eye catching and bright.
INTP a sort of midnight blue, appealing yet noticeable.
While I keep INTP's in precious chinese boxes,
I keep INTJ's as pets, usually in a basement or in a very secure backyard.
LOL to our black crispy souls.

Our souls are probably chromatic or a prism of all colors because it would be representative of our internal machinations. Outwardly we are definately the color Black.

The joys of getting to know/love a INTJ is that we are actually extremely caring and can be quite silly.

Yep :D Every INTJ I've ever met come off as a bit aloof and assholeish at first...and later they were still a bit assholeish, but in an enduring way, and otherwise just plain odd. INTJs are very fun to goof off with -- they're not nearly as heartless and serious as they want people to think
I'd have to say it's pretty accurate...although I think ESFJ should probably be one or two shades closer to...well, lighter.
Really, because the shades are just based on how much I like each type.
Oh, that's interesting. I didn't catch that. How's your system work?
Lightest is the least liked, the darkest is the most liked.
D:> You don't like us?
All of the INFJs I have met face to face I have ended up finding intolerable, but not as much as ENFP and INFP. I don't understand F types in general, so if you think of it that way, INFJs got a pretty good rating going on.

I'm also just noticing this, but ESFJ and ESFP's shades were mixed up.
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Strange I see infp's as yellow for their bright imaginative sugariness :m045: (lol I understand some of them have a dark side though :mlight:) Sometimes I see them as black; able to sit back and observe; soaking in all the other colors (or feelings) within them)
I see infj's as purple a mix of hot red Fe calmed by the analytical introverted Ni and judgement (blue).
Intj's- I see as a royal blue deep as the ocean. Theoretical and ever expanding (blue just reminds me of math though)
Istj's - Green and focused on the concrete and observable nature of life.
Enfps: Red, free and uncontainable
Enfjs - Burgundy; focused passion
Intp's - pale green like the lake of the mind that they dive into hypothesizing multiple possibilities.
Esfp- orange and zany (they remind me of naruto and sailor moon)

This was fun I might add to this.
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purple was my childhood favorite colour and suits my personality best. now I like more tropical colors (to wear)
but in art and things that reflect my mood it's definately purple.
Okay, here is what I think.

esfp- Hot Pink
intj- navy blue
infj- phoenician purple
estp- crimson
istj- grey
istp- turquoise blue
intp- turquoise green
enfp- bright orange
enfj- white
entp- lime green
isfj- maroon
isfp- teal
infp- cerulean
entj- indigo
estj- black
esfj- green
I'm going with blue for Infj...

but to be honest.. it's just my favorite color.. I have never found a shade of blue I didn't like.