Hurricane Harvey affects Texas | INFJ Forum

Hurricane Harvey affects Texas


Sep 5, 2009
Hurricane Harvey strengthens to Category 4 storm with 130 mph winds

Hurricane Harvey has strengthened to a Category 4 storm, as Texas is bracing for impact later Friday evening.

The storm, which has maximum sustained winds of 130 mph with even stronger gusts, is expected to be the worst to hit the state in decades. The last Category 4 storm to hit the U.S. was Charley in 2004 in Florida, while the last Category 4 storm to hit Texas was Carla in 1961.

Residents staying in the area frantically stocked up on food, water and gas, while others heading out of the storm's path boarded up windows and doors of their homes and businesses.

Airlines canceled flights, schools were shuttered while concerts and other planned events in Houston and coastal cities were postponed.

Even after the hurricane hits the coast, its effects will linger for days, with heavy rainfall through next week estimated to be as high as 40 inches in some areas.


"This is going to be a storm we talk about, unfortunately, for at least the next seven days," ABC News Chief Meteorologist Ginger Zee said Friday on "GMA.
This is horrible. I have had these folks in my thoughts most the day. Last update was category 3, now it's 4. Hoping that everyone pulls through safely.
Those defying evacuation told to mark ID on arms

(AP) An elected official in the Texas Gulf Coast town near where Hurricane Harvey is expected to reach land says residents who chose to stay should write their Social Security numbers on their arms.

Patrick Rios, the mayor pro tem in Rockport, told KIII-TV of Corpus Christi earlier Friday that Harvey "is a life-threatening storm."

He says those who stay "should make some type of preparation to mark their arm with a Sharpie pen," implying that they should make it easier for rescuers to identify them.
i hope everyone who's from Texas (and their families&friends) here are okay and well.. :(
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It is about to hit but the real damage will be in the coming days of continued rain and severe flooding
Never thought I would be saying this, but I hope because Texas is so Right Wing means that they will get aid from the government.
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Texans all and all are of average intelligence. They leave when there's a threat and pack up when told to go. Threat to life will undoubtedly be minimal as a result. I do feel sorry for those who loose belongings though. You can't take everything with you.
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Never thought I would be saying this, but I hope because Texas is so Right Wing means that they will get aid from the government.
This is one of the more ignorant posts I have ever read on this site. This is the first post of yours I have ever read and I am debating putting you on block already. Did your mother drop you on your head when you were younger? Repeatedly? Still?
This is one of the more ignorant posts I have ever read on this site. This is the first post of yours I have ever read and I am debating putting you on block already. Did your mother drop you on your head when you were younger? Repeatedly? Still?

Not sure if you are aware of this, but this is not the first time a hurricane has hit the US. Last time we had something like this happen, it turned out pretty shitty for a lot of people because our dear president did jack all to help out people who couldn't help themselves.

But the last thing I want is to get into a political debate with some random stranger on the internet.

If you are going to block me for this, that's really too bad because I don't think I actually did anything wrong except possibly step on the toes of some political agenda or some such. This is bigger than politics IMO, which was the whole point of my post.
Not sure if you are aware of this, but this is not the first time a hurricane has hit the US. Last time we had something like this happen, it turned out pretty shitty for a lot of people because our dear president did jack all to help out people who couldn't help themselves.

But the last thing I want is to get into a political debate with some random stranger on the internet.

If you are going to block me for this, that's really too bad because I don't think I actually did anything wrong except possibly step on the toes of some political agenda or some such. This is bigger than politics IMO, which was the whole point of my post.
You didn't do anything wrong and blocking you would only keep me from seeing your posts. It would effect no one else. The suggestion things would have turned out differently in New Orleans had a different group of people been there is what's ignorant and quite frankly highly offensive.
The US government had and still has nothing in place to help people on that scale. On smaller scales state governments are responsible.
So keep this in mind and learn it well. Regardless of where you live if natural or any other type of disaster strikes you are on your own. Regardless of political affiliation or anything else.
You didn't do anything wrong and blocking you would only keep me from seeing your posts. It would effect no one else. The suggestion things would have turned out differently in New Orleans had a different group of people been there is what's ignorant and quite frankly highly offensive.
The US government had and still has nothing in place to help people on that scale. On smaller scales state governments are responsible.
So keep this in mind and learn it well. Regardless of where you live if natural or any other type of disaster strikes you are on your own. Regardless of political affiliation or anything else.

Fine, fine. Hope you feel better.

God I hate politics.
Fine, fine. Hope you feel better.

God I hate politics.
Oh and one more thing. Don't worry. You have a majority of people here who will love you for saying what you did. You may even become a star.
Oh and one more thing. Don't worry. You have a majority of people here who will love you for saying what you did. You may even become a star.

I'm an introvert, I don't like the limelight. I would take back what I said if it would keep me out of the limelight. And no, my feelings are not hurt, so you can just forget about that.

If you don't want comments on your post, don't post in a public way.

Would you like to be blocked, because that is where you are headed if you keep this up. I'm not interested in your over rational philosophy on life, leave me the fuck alone.