[PAX] How sure are you of your type? And related questions


life is good
How sure are you of your type?

Is it common for you to question or reconsider your type?

If applicable, how did/do you decide on your type?

How often do you notice inconsistencies in type on this forum, elsewhere online, or offline, between what type someone states they are vs. what type you think they are? Particularly among self-declared INFJs?

Other thoughts?
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Ah, good thread. I'm actually not that sure anymore. I don't think I'm as logical or systematic as certain (mostly male) NT's I know, I DO take things personally at times and can be very emotional. It doesn't seem consistent with the description of INTP. But on the other hand, no other type seems to fit all that well, with the possible exception of INFP.

What about you Soulful? Have you had doubts about being an INFJ?
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Ah, good thread. I'm actually not that sure anymore. I don't think I'm as logical or systematic as certain (mostly male) NT's I know, I DO take things personally at times and can be very emotional. It doesn't seem consistent with the description of INTP. But on the other hand, no other type seems to fit all that well, with the possible exception of INFP.

What about you Soulful? Have you had doubts about being an INFJ?

Thanks. I waver with my thoughts on my type, but I don't think I'm an INFJ..

It's hard to tell sometimes. How's your cognitive function profile? You definitely seem to express a lot of Fe here, and I can't quite tell about Fi (which tends to be dominant among INFPs). Is it possible you're an INTP with a well developed Fe (or Fi as well)? Or an INFP with strong Ti or Te?
I have consistently tested as an INTJ. However, I don't really have a hard science bent (I called it Boreology in college) but I fit most of the personality traits associated with the type. I do claim (and am pretty confident) that I have well developed Fe. I am totally at a loss with Sensing and Sensing types though. My interest lie heavily with Psychology, Sociology and Economics. The first two having to do a great deal with the study of people which I think has helped develop my Fe. I think I appear much colder via written word just because it takes a bit more to formulate your thoughts rather than speaking. I don't doubt my type very much except to wonder if I am closer to an acutal extrovert than I like to think. I test very high as an introvert but sometimes I wonder if that is driven by my wishes rather than my actual personality.
I'm very sure... I've always felt the description fits me like a glove.
I think its hard to tell if inconsistencies are actual mistypes or some kind of learned or intentional out of type behavior. I generally believe people are the type they say they are.
When I compare myself to the descriptions I feel like there is no question of my type.

Then I log on here, and I'm like wtf. I guess its because we all come from different places and have different cultures and experiences.

I only know of one other INFJ in real life who has a Phd in Sociology. That sounds about right for an INFJ.
I'm not really sure. I still could be ENFP but after a good 3 seconds of deep thinking I'm probably ESFP. :)
For the second question, I went ISFP > INFP > ENFP > ENTP > ENFP > ESTP > ESFP > ENFP > ESTP > ISTP > ENFP > ESTP > ESFP. In maybe two months. :)

I just read more on the functions and discovered I was actually more Se than Ne and too Te to be ExTP :P

IRL, everyone would probably type me as ENTP lol
Thanks. I waver with my thoughts on my type, but I don't think I'm an INFJ..

It's hard to tell sometimes. How's your cognitive function profile? You definitely seem to express a lot of Fe here, and I can't quite tell about Fi (which tends to be dominant among INFPs). Is it possible you're an INTP with a well developed Fe (or Fi as well)? Or an INFP with strong Ti or Te?

I'm not sure. Fe comes pretty naturally to me both online and offline, I feel it's more developed than Fi, because (as much as I hate to admit it) my morals aren't set in stone. It actually causes me a lot of guilt and is the reason for some of the threads I start here. What does strong Te look like?
It's possible I'm an INTP with developed Fe, but I think it's also possible I'm an INFJ, since INFJs also use Ti and Fe predominantly. Then again, contrasted against some of the INFJs here, I seem pretty different... so perhaps not. (But then again, INFJs as a collective themselves seem quite diverse, so I could just be on one extreme end of the INFJ spectrum. Haha ;)

What's your reasoning behind not thinking you're an INFJ? I would've pegged you as one from your posts here =)
I have no doubt that I'm an ENTP.
Sure, I may have lots of ENTJ tendencies, but I still THINK like an ENTP.
And seriously, they're GOOD habits.
I'm not sure. Fe comes pretty naturally to me both online and offline, I feel it's more developed than Fi, because (as much as I hate to admit it) my morals aren't set in stone.
Do you have an example or something?
I'm still confused on Fi vs Fe =/
i'm pretty sure im an infj, not really something i think alot about though because as someone above said theres so many variations of us and its not really something i care enough about to question if i am or not.

yeah i think there are people who think they're infj that arent, but as i said, theres so many different types its not a huge deal to me, let em think whatever. the only time i put stock in someones mbti is when i've never seen em post before, then i look at it to get a general idea of how they work, or think they work for that matter, but thats about as it.
I am very unsure of my type. INTP, ENTP, INTJ, ISTP... who knows? I think ENTP fits best, though.
I've been through the MBTI test many times over the years and I always come up INFJ....one time to the disbelief of an instructor (I don't think he'd ever met an INFJ). Anyway, aside from this, everything I've read fits.

I have noticed similarities with INFJs here, but also many, many differences. In the end, I have to just be me and not worry too much about how others approach things. After all, there are other factors/influences besides MBTI that can define or direct a person.
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[MENTION=1926]April[/MENTION]: Definitely can relate to not feeling the INTP label, especially any references to emotion (you should have seen me before I reached high school age); despite that I am about as certain of my type as I am of the validity of MBTI, perhaps moreso, so I don't doubt my type anymore. I'm more inclined to think that the INTP description and tests for determining type are flawed than I am to think I'm not an INTP. What confirms it for me is that I am logical and systematic, but it's completely involuntary. It's not even a fetish. It's a big fat, comfortable rut. My closest is INFP, like yours, but I can admit to myself that my thinking style is only pseudo-INFP.

As for you? I'm not so certain. You differ from me in areas surrounding your relationship with logic and emotion, but I would be surprised if you weren't INTP.
i've wondered about my type for a while, but uncertainty bugs me. I like things clearly defined so i decided to accept the INFP typing since i received it consistently when i first took the MBTI. I wanted to be INFJ for obvious reasons, and i think for a while i was because i think i was adapting the INFJ style of communication i saw on the forum. But when i took the MBTI recently, i got an INFJ typing on two tests. I've also gotten ISFJ and INTJ. But i highly doubt i'm INTJ. My Fi is high *i think*. Emotionally, i connect with the INFP label, but who knows.

As someone else said, how much is learned vs. natural behavior? When you've come to think and act in a particular mode, it often feels natural. So, who can really say what is our true nature or type.
i'm almost completely certain that i'm INFJ, as far as it's possible for such things as MBTI to represent actual reality.
I've gotten INTJ and INFJ almost equally when I have tested. I am unsure of which type I am, but at my core I feel the INFJ description fits me better. It's hard for me to imagine a T dominant type tearing up over extreme emotion elicited from some seemingly random source. However, when I am dealing with people in person I can be very cold and not very empathetic initially, which sometimes makes me think that INTJ would be more appropriate. But I am always going over in my mind how my interactions play out, and I often feel a lot of guilt for the times I have been particularly or unnecessarily harsh, which makes me think INFJ is more fitting. But it's the tendency to go that route in the first place that makes me sometimes think INTJ.

My mother told me as a child I was quite independent and authoritative. She also told me this story, of when I was 4 years old, and she was trying to get our dog at the time to sit down, and she would not listen to her for anything... I came over and said "sit!" and the dog sat so hard her butt made a "thud" noise on the linoleum. My mom still laughs about that sometimes. But it says a lot about my tone in general, and that hasn't changed over the years. But under that harsh surface I am a raging ball of emotions and when I am alone, they can unleash from me like almost nothing I've ever seen from any one else around me.
-fairly certain; it makes the most sense anyhow
-yes, pretty common
-taking the test, online version of the test, and lots of research/reading
-some, not much at all. it's not my place to assume...