Everyday tasks you never figured out

That was something good about the 80's. I love fashion now, too. So many looks.

Well, my mom kept my hair in a pixie cut when I was little so she wouldn't have to bother with it, and I rebelled against her later on, so never learned any of the beauty skills women teach each other. I wised up in my 20's, and we became good friends, but she got sick and died when I was in my early 20's. So, there is a long list of skills I either lack, or have learned on my own.
❤ I am sorry to hear about your mom...I can relate though. My mom died two weeks before I turned 18 and I still had HS to finish...she crammed in as much stuff as she was able the last six months she was alive. But, like you...some things have to be learned on our own. Hugs.
❤ I am sorry to hear about your mom...I can relate though. My mom died two weeks before I turned 18 and I still had HS to finish...she crammed in as much stuff as she was able the last six months she was alive. But, like you...some things have to be learned on our own. Hugs.

Thank you. I'm still not able to say much about loss of a mother ...but hugs speak my words for me..
Difficult at best. <3
Often talking with someone who knows first hand can be healing.
Another everyday task I haven't figures out...putting my shoes away. I find them "stashed" under the edges of chairs & other furniture where I left them. Unless I need them and go looking they stay there.:-P
I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out how to contour.

I've seen numerous videos and know the steps, but it still looks like a hot mess when I attempt it.
I have never baked a cake...I always mean to, or say I will- but never get round to it.
I never learnt times tables and can't do anything but the most simple maths in my head.
I can't wear heels without literally killing myself.
Get seasonal, get an easy cake mix! Dunkin Hines Spice Cake is quite good! Make a nice pot of tea or coffee and treat yourself:)
Definitely learn some math. I was paralyzed with fear of it until I had to take a nursing pharmacology class. It has improved my self-confidence.
Skip the high heels!
I don't cut my nails and I am incompetent at cutting my children's nails.

My nails almost always naturally break at a decent length so I don't need to cut them ... but my boys have super strong monster nails. They are beautiful, I'm jealous. I'm debating if 5 is too young to let my oldest start cutting his own nails.
sleeping. i'm sure almost everyone can relate. it's hard to sleep unless you are terribly exhausted.
how to fold fitted sheets in 30secs =

Late to the party again....(forgot to post)....
A week ago, I tried the whole folding fitted sheet thing (OK, I confess, I didn't open the video - just saw the image and used my vivid imagination).....it worked! Hurrah!! :m073:
I got a thrill and a huge sense of achievement! Am I going to do it again - NO!!!
I always struggled to put a backpack on. After putting on the first shoulder, I thought that I had to hold the second strap with my second hand while I pushed my second arm through it elbow first. Now, I no longer hold the second strap, I just thread my second hand and arm through the loop and shrug the strap up onto my second shoulder. The first time I executed this slick move, I was blown away by the simplicity and ease of it. I couldn't believe I had been putting on my backpack all wrong for so many years.

I always struggled to put a backpack on. After putting on the first shoulder, I thought that I had to hold the second strap with my second hand while I pushed my second arm through it elbow first. Now, I no longer hold the second strap, I just thread my second hand and arm through the loop and shrug the strap up onto my second shoulder. The first time I executed this slick move, I was blown away by the simplicity and ease of it. I couldn't believe I had been putting on my backpack all wrong for so many years.

This is the cutest thing I have ever read.
How to go #1, without at least one drop landing outside the bowl... at least I'm resigned to noticing where the drop lands, and blotting it up every time.