Emotional soulmate or twin | INFJ Forum

Emotional soulmate or twin


Sep 5, 2009
So, I've been thinking about this idea of someone who is an emotional match or compatible with our psyche in almost every way but not necessarily a match in other areas including physically or mentally.

Have you ever had such an experience? How did it affect you? Are you still close with the person? Was there ever a time it became too intense?
I often feel my husband and I are this way, not that I necessarily believe we are soulmates. Not sure if I believe in soulmates. Sometimes it works to our advantage, at other times our extreme emotional sensitivities feed off of each other like wild fire. But when it is working harmoniously, it is a very beautiful thing.

It does feel sometimes that we are too similar as we require the same things emotionally from each other and sometimes we just don't have the energy needed to give all the time in the ways we both need.

He is the only person who has ever been in my life that has come close to this description.
Hm, not so sure.
But, in two or three times I just felt connected with someone new without any possible reason. It actually happened recently. I met someone new and I felt as we knew for ages. I don't know how to explain it better, but as if I came back to the home in wich I never lived. I hope I explained well. I would like to know whether that person also feel that way, but somehow it would be weird to ask, at this point: Hi, do you also feel that we knew eachother for years though we just met recently:)? Tooo weird to ask!
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Hm, not so sure.
But, in two or three times I just felt connected with someone new without any possible reason. It actually happened recently. I met someone new and I felt as we knew for ages. I don't know how to explain it better, but as if I came back to the home in wich I never lived. I hope I explained well. I would like to know whether that person also feel that way, but somehow it would be weird to ask, at this point: Hi, do you also feel that we knew eachother for years though we just met recently:)? Tooo weird to ask!

Yeah, this happens to me as well. I'll feel connected to someone, but I'm always lost as to whether it's mutual or just one-sided. I'll think it's mutual, but feel later as if I was simply projecting. So, never sure usually. And i've been tempted to say something to the person, but it wouldn't be appropriate of course. :D
I'll think it's mutual, but feel later as if I was simply projecting. So, never sure usually. And i've been tempted to say something to the person, but it wouldn't be appropriate of course. :D

Yes. But then, I met many people that I like and I don't feel that always, just that few times.
Last time was like "Wow, it is YOU" and then I have to put calm facade "How do you do:)"...What is bugging me is that I try to find answers why I feel that way. What part of my brain was touched by that person, what part of my history or conscience or subconscience?
And that I get harmless obssesive toughts:): Why, why, thinking, thinking, processing....:)
I'll feel connected to someone, but I'm always lost as to whether it's mutual or just one-sided. I'll think it's mutual, but feel later as if I was simply projecting. So, never sure usually.


I've begun to think there is no one who can really understand me on that level. But I also believe there are those who try very hard to understand me, and I'm grateful to have these people in my life.
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Have you ever had such an experience? How did it affect you? Are you still close with the person? Was there ever a time it became too intense?

Yeaaasss, I have had such an experience. :)

Its affected me in a very...amazing way. In a way it kinda changed some of my thought patterns for the better. :) To know that I have such a connection with someone so amazing makes me feel very happy&lucky :)

Yes, Im still close with the person. Very close indeed ^_^

It has never become to intense, I feel, no. ^_^
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I have had several friends like this. They were of the opposite sex, too, but not necessarily available. Either way, these were very deep relationships of the heart, very open and very true. There was a connection that still exists to this day, although our paths never, ever cross.

Thanks to relationships like this, I learned to love, engage, and enjoy friendships in which no romatic attachment did or could exist. In fact, these friendships probably offered the deepest love I have ever known, and I am very grateful for that.
So, I've been thinking about this idea of someone who is an emotional match or compatible with our psyche in almost every way but not necessarily a match in other areas including physically or mentally.

Have you ever had such an experience? How did it affect you? Are you still close with the person? Was there ever a time it became too intense?

Yes, I believe I have met a platonic soulmate or my twin flame...

Such that, I don't think I will have another connection like this till I am 70 years old.

My partner. Things are hard sometimes, we're so similar. But it's lovely too.
Yes recently in fact. it's a very odd kind of thing. I don't exactly know if you could say that no physical or sexual attraction exists it's just "not like that". I think if I where to have sex with her it would feel sort of like having sex with myself, which for some reason seems like a concept that doesn't necessarily interest me a great deal.

Interestingly enough I've also had the opposite occur, strong sexual congruence with no emotional or mental congruence.
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Yes recently in fact. it's a very odd kind of thing. I don't exactly know if you could say that no physical or sexual attraction exists it's just "not like that". I think if I where to have sex with her it would feel sort of like having sex with myself, which for some reason seems like a concept that doesn't necessarily interest me a great deal.

Interestingly enough I've also had the opposite occur, strong sexual congruence with no emotional or mental congruence.

This is interesting, because this was another question i wanted to clarify is whether this emotional connection must be accompanied by a physical or sexual attraction. And in some cases, as you indicated, imagining a relationship with them sexually just doesn't fit with the feelings felt.
Geez, I should have read your thread before I started mine. I've had it where the link is so strong, that I felt like I was ripped in half when apart. I just couldn't function. It took intense introversion, to be able to try to make sense of the absolute need. The feeling was reciprocal too. It wasn't that I had a dependant personality by any means. The harmony when together, usually not speaking, was so accurately matched. So clean and pure, and yet, because of our own personal dynamics, we couldn't continue. My suspicion of my same effect on them is always confirmed in the off occasion I bump into them. It is a feeling that doesn't obey linear time, as far as shelf life is concerned.
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My girlfriend is an INFJ with a strong Ti upbringing and I am an ENTP with a strong Fe upbringing. We were each what the other was striving to become, and now fit together like puzzle pieces. Not twins but enantiomers.
Yes, have met people like that. If they are male I have to try very hard not to fall in love with them though and that is often impossible. If the mental side of things is sweet, the rest of it just follows naturally for me. I think I feel so alone in my head sometimes that when I meet another person like me it is almost a relief. I want to hang onto them and never let go.

I don't though because that would just be weird.