Effective strategy for dealing with a lazy child? | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Effective strategy for dealing with a lazy child?

How important and (perhaps more importantly) how urgent is this cleaning anyway? I suspect it probably doesn't matter all that much. I'd suggest a laissez-faire approach. The biggest problem here is a J who things that if something is left undone it needs doing and falls to her to do. Get to to lay off her sister and relax. Once the P girl realizes that she is expected to be self sufficient she should have no problem doing the tasks by the time there is a good enough reason to do them.

Well its something that's more important than urgent, and it has to start at some point or it will get progressively harder and harder to do.

The kids, particularly the younger ones are quite messy, which is to be expected. However when there is 3 kids messing up the house the amount of housework for the parent can be overwhelming. If they clean up in small increments, then it becomes normal for them instead of something they will try to avoid; and it makes things a lot saner for me (who cannot tolerate disarray as well as most INTPs can), and the kids grow up to be able to take care of themselves and their living space, as well as develop a decent work ethic.
Yea I kind of want to use chorewars just to motivate myself. lol.

I'll threaten to ground you if you threaten to ground me if our homes aren't clean by the end of the day...err...weekend...lol.
I just wrote a thread titled "On Effective Leadership" just a few minutes ago, but I think it will serve here too:

On Leadership

It's critical that all on a team (or in any kind of group) have the same vision. When I say that all on a team should share the same 'vision', I mean, that all on the team need to share the same 'inspiration'.

If one lives one's life according to what inspires him or her to do good, be one's best, to joyfully rise every morning and greet the day with gladness, then that is living in one's inspiration. A life of 'purpose' is a life being lived according to what truly inspires and uplifts one's heart!

When people are inspired, they are motivated, and when they are motivated, they are disciplined. When a team (family, group of friends, etc) share the same inspiration ('vision'), then all are motivated and therefore, also all are disciplined. And when people are disciplined, they don't mind the set-backs so much because they are driven by the very cause that inspires them, and they know the goal is worth it!

Such teams that share the same vision don't have disciplinary issues, for each inspired member of that team automatically disciplines himself or herself. To lead an inspired team is to lead with ease, comfort, and optimism! When all share the same vision, each team member is eager to do his or her role and to do it well. There will be no squabbling, no excuses, no ego-trips, just a peaceful, dedication to accomplishing the goals that inspire us! :-D

Having a united vision is everything! :-D
Eating and breathing are pretty important too
Don't forget having a nice good poop every now and then.
Quite underappreciated, having good stool.
Or finding your perfect love match on Tinder, amirite?:m081:

Yeah it's perfect for swiping, I've done it often and frenetically whilst being engaged in certain bathroom-related activities.

Not for sending an asking out message, though. I mean... it wouldn't feel very romantic.