Dune: Books, Series, Films, etc. (*Spoilers) | INFJ Forum

Dune: Books, Series, Films, etc. (*Spoilers)


Sep 5, 2009
Hello! Have you seen Dune, what did you think?

I saw Dune (2021) directed by Denis Villeneuve this past weekend. I had plans to read the book before seeing the film, but that fell through. This movie is definitely something to see on the big screen. The aspects I enjoyed the most are the cinematography, effects, and strong performances by the supporting cast, not that the leads weren't good. Rebecca Ferguson and Oscar Isaacs were very good. The Bene Gesserit are interesting and mysterious. I wish there was more about them in the film than we saw. Apparently, there is a Dune: The Sisterhood series that is being produced about them. I do now want to go back and watch the Dune (1984) and Dune (2000) series.

I highly recommend seeing this new release in XD if you can. I think there's a good chance the second part will be green lit.

Just a note to use SPOILER tags for any spoilers in this thread.






It was awesome. Been a fan of the Dune universe for a long time and it's great to see some pieces of it more accurately realized on the big screen (though I watched it from home lol).
Can't wait for more, hope some sequels happen.

Rebecca Ferguson and Oscar Isaacs were very good.

They really carried the film and I felt like Rebecca Ferguson in particular was a great choice for her role.
Watched the 2021 version last weekend and while the production was top notch the soundtrack really lacked the magic of the 1984 version. The 2021 version is lacking in a few other areas but overall looking forward to seeing part two someday.
I can't wait to watch it. I haven't seen the David Lynch version or read the book. I started the book yesterday and want to finish it then start the 2021 movie, then the 1984 movie. Glad you started a thread, @Gaze! Definitely looking forward to being able to participate in this thread more soon!
The 80s Dune is the only adaptation I'd seen before this year's release. I remember that Lynch attempt feeling like they rushed to the finale, and sure enough someone explained to me that they tried to cram in more than they should in a single movie's runtime.

Villeneuve's version feels as it should, the first part of something. As a result it lacks a powerful closing statement that'll come with the next part(s). So it's alright for now, but I'll feel differently when I can watch the complete story.
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It was a very long, very beautiful ad for Demobaza.

I liked it. I liked the slower pace, which I think is one of the main criticisms.
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I really liked it and I can't wait if they make more sequels.

Now I want to read the books too.
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