Do you like being looked at or admired (physically)? | INFJ Forum

Do you like being looked at or admired (physically)?


Sep 5, 2009
Only if its verbally acknowledged by the admirerer. I don't like to be just stared at.
that depends on who's doing it and why
if it's my lover, then absolutely. if it's that greasy weirdo on the bus then no
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that depends on who's doing it and why
if it's my lover, then absolutely. if it's that greasy weirdo on the bus then no

What if it was a normal and attractive stranger on the bus?
It's all about intention. Are they looking at me and admiring my beauty and comparing it to a serene landscape? Or are they looking at me and admiring my beauty because they're actually Buffalo Bill? ...intentions!
It depends on the manner it is done. More often than not, even if it isn't reciprocated, probably yes. Unless they look rapey. Then no likey, only fear. O_O
Although I really enjoy when my boyfriend shows me physically that he's attracted to me, I admire him looking at me the most. Sometimes he'll verbally say something after just laying side by side looking into one another eyes.
If the person's leering, smirking, or just blank-faced, I feel uncomfortable. A casual glance won't bother me, though. But usually when people stare at me, my main thought is, What, is there something wrong with my face? :p
If the person's leering, smirking, or just blank-faced, I feel uncomfortable. A casual glance won't bother me, though. But usually when people stare at me, my main thought is, What, is there something wrong with my face? :p

Yeah, that's what I think. Honestly, I'm not even sure if they're staring because they're "looking", so sometimes, I assume something must be wrong. In my mind, I'm thinking, there must be something out of place. If they look too intensely, it makes me feel odd. Even if a partner gives that look, I'd still feel weird. But I think it's nice to get a look once in a while. If I caught someone giving me the look, I'd probably blush and look away and pretend it didn't happen. :D
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No. I dislike the attention.
I've been known to appreciate the occasional look.
If it's somebody I don't admire back then no, because it's too weird.

If it's somebody I do admire back then still no, because it's too exciting. -.-
It depends on the situation and, though I feel kind of bad saying it, my evaluation of the person looking at me. If I'm out on the street, and someone gives me a once over, and seems to enjoy what they see, but just carry on, I consider it a compliment, and appreciate it.

However, if the situation is more static, like on the train, it depends on who's doing the looking. Whether I appreciate the look depends mainly on my assumptions on how a potential direct social interaction would go. If the person seems to have decent social skills, and would carry a normal conversation, I appreciate it, and possibly even open myself up to a conversation (but start one, NOPE). If I assume they lack social skills, I feel super awkward about them looking at me. I mainly feel this way because I have accidentally made eye contact with one such person, who opened up a conversation I did not want to be part of, but as it was on a crowded train, I couldn't just leave (in the instance that comes to mind, I didn't want to get off as I had a lot of stuff with me, and it would have been more difficult than dealing with the conversation).

So, really, I don't mind, and sometimes enjoy, the looking. What I don't like is the occasional uncomfortable social interaction that could follow.
If I like to be admired physically? Like just physically?
Hmm...I gymed a lot for two years...but that was for years from now, physically no. Or maybe the question is for the ladies?
But if its something normal, if someone admires me as a guy per se, yes , I always enjoy that one.

There are some people when they admire someone, they keep the stare whithout blink...and they becames really awkard.
Swap the two men's stares in the photos, I think you'll find your creep-o-meter is based more on looks than attitude.

Sorry, this wasn't a serious some ways it was! The bottom person there is Rob Ford, Toronto's mayor, who has admitted to smoking crack, was videotapped yelling that he was going to kill someone, knocked over a lady while running through the cabinet, talked about VERY inappropriate things on national TV, the list goes on....

If he was looking at me, I would be creeped out....completely. Also, that face he's making....well, sadly, that's a normal face of his.
Swap the two men's stares in the photos, I think you'll find your creep-o-meter is based more on looks than attitude.

One is smiling and the other looks like he just threw up. I already know the guy on the bottom is funnier. : D.