Do you believe in Astrology? ?

I just cannot understand how people can believe in astrology.

I find it funny that people think that their future is being predicted, when these "predictions" are just biasing their attention, and subconsciously influencing their choices.

I'm tempted to experiment with some different quasi-hypnotic suggestions on astrology suckers.
Only one view of astrology.
I find it funny that people think that their future is being predicted, when these "predictions" are just biasing their attention, and subconsciously influencing their choices.
Perhaps a look at Astrology as a science and you will see it has been polluted by twists in futuristic ideology.

There are enough charlatans that do this already:
I'm tempted to experiment with some different quasi-hypnotic suggestions on astrology suckers.
***seriously, do some homework and scratch that itchy brain and give a go at Astrology as an antiquated science .... You put credience in gravity, why not astrology? :D
I find it funny that there are so many that are opposing astrology when it's just another personality theorem, much like MBTI. It isn't used to predict the future, but more as a guide in how you can interpret yourself as you navigate through life. When the next new personality theorem comes our way, they're going to joke about the preposterous 16 personalities and how those fools used it to try and understand themselves and those around them. What an absurd notion! :p

Anyway, I give astrology the same credence I do MBTI. They don't define us, but they can offer a better understanding of ourselves. It's just a matter of learning how to read it.

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This happened to be just as if not more accurate than MBTI.

Bottom line is, you don't have to believe in it, but you don't have to shoot it down either, like religion.
I find it funny that there are so many that are opposing astrology when it's just another personality theorem, much like MBTI. It isn't used to predict the future, but more as a guide in how you can interpret yourself as you navigate through life. When the next new personality theorem comes our way, they're going to joke about the preposterous 16 personalities and how those fools used it to try and understand themselves and those around them. What an absurd notion! :p

Anyway, I give astrology the same credence I do MBTI. They don't define us, but they can offer a better understanding of ourselves. It's just a matter of learning how to read it.

View attachment 32246

This happened to be just as if not more accurate than MBTI.

Bottom line is, you don't have to believe in it, but you don't have to shoot it down either, like religion.
Well said @Free :)
I just cannot understand how people can believe in astrology.

I find it funny that people think that their future is being predicted, when these "predictions" are just biasing their attention, and subconsciously influencing their choices.

I'm tempted to experiment with some different quasi-hypnotic suggestions on astrology suckers.

Many individuals also cannot understand how people believe in Christianity, something in which you place your faith. Belief is an interesting, funny thing. Honestly, being a Christian takes an even greater leap in faith - it's a belief in something intangible, formless, whereas astrology has its basis in celestial, observable bodies. It might seem odd to you, just the same as your beliefs seem odd to others.

- As a side-note, I'm skeptical when it comes to astrology, as I am with most everything, but I still think it's interesting.
I've noticed that sometimes I'll get a similar vibe from one person as what I get from someone else, and quite often they will turn out to have the same astrological sign. So yeah I think there is truth to it.

It is exactly like that for me too Kao. I have the gift to see people and put the puzzle together. Someone introduces me to a new person and I immediately think to myself, hey you remind me of a person I know. I would ask them their sign and weeks after I would ask my other friend their sign and it would be a match. Over and over again this would happen and over time I would just know their signs through practice, intuition and close observation of beliefs and mannerisms.

Then I studied the art and a rewarding study it was for me and it has had a deep impact on my life.
I find it funny that there are so many that are opposing astrology when it's just another personality theorem, much like MBTI. It isn't used to predict the future, but more as a guide in how you can interpret yourself as you navigate through life. When the next new personality theorem comes our way, they're going to joke about the preposterous 16 personalities and how those fools used it to try and understand themselves and those around them. What an absurd notion! :p

Anyway, I give astrology the same credence I do MBTI. They don't define us, but they can offer a better understanding of ourselves. It's just a matter of learning how to read it.

View attachment 32246

This happened to be just as if not more accurate than MBTI.

Bottom line is, you don't have to believe in it, but you don't have to shoot it down either, like religion.

Your Scorpio ascendant makes you deep, mysterious and reserved. You can see right through people and this is aided by your intuitive Pisces Moon. You are caring and loving. You want the best for people and are always willing to help but they must be deserving. Your well thought out and reserved Capricorn Sun keeps you deeply grounded and it is difficult to penetrate your defenses. Learn to let your guard down to let people in. Not always an east feat. You will not be intimitated and pitty the fool who sees you as easy prey for you are two steps ahead of them.

Capricorn Sun is ambitious by nature. You value yourself by your accomplishments and you are a goal oriented person. Your deepest desire is to make a living being creative and you probably already found a way.( Mercury conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius). If you haven't keep trying and trust your feelings. (Pisces Moon)

Moon opposes Mars= Well that got you in trouble more than once.
Mercury squares Mars= You have insulted more than one person in your life. Do you always have to say it like it is? We will start our lessons in diplomacy next week. You're welcome.

Have you mastered your organisational skills yet or are you still all over the place? (Moon opposes Mars) The battle between Virgo and Pisces but supported by a Capricorn Sun. (There is still hope).

Thank you for sharing your chart. It was fun.
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Moon opposes Mars= Well that got you in trouble more than once.
Mercury squares Mars= You have insulted more than one person in your life. Do you always have to say it like it is? We will start our lessons in diplomacy next week. You're welcome.

Have you mastered your organisational skills yet or are you still all over the place? (Moon opposes Mars) The battle between Virgo and Pisces but supported by a Capricorn Sun. (There is still hope).
Haha! I love you :m032:
Many individuals also cannot understand how people believe in Christianity, something in which you place your faith. Belief is an interesting, funny thing. Honestly, being a Christian takes an even greater leap in faith - it's a belief in something intangible, formless, whereas astrology has its basis in celestial, observable bodies. It might seem odd to you, just the same as your beliefs seem odd to others.

- As a side-note, I'm skeptical when it comes to astrology, as I am with most everything, but I still think it's interesting.
There's a difference.

Whether a particular belief is held is a matter of personal choice. BUT how the chosen belief integrates with established scientific knowledge is a fairly objective measure of how reasonable that belief is.

Christians who believe the earth is less than 10,000 years old are as retarded to me, as people who think that the stars at birth can determine a person's character, and life-path.

It isn't interesting, it's just jaw-dropping that people can choose to believe something which contradicts evidence and reasonable causality.
A perfect argument against religion as well.

To each their own. *shrugs*
Good religion is about trying to find the meaning in the things we cannot understand through science (eg. What is the cause of existence? We can only describe the manner of existence... but why is there anything at all, instead of nothing?).

Absurd religion tries to negate what is known, assigning "mysterious" causality to things, which are adequately described by observable, scientifically verifiable causes.
You are welcome to explore our astrology thread. @Free, @Sandie33 and myself are believers as you might be able to tell when you check it out.

I just cannot understand how people can believe in astrology.

I too was tricked early on (being a Capricorn which happens to be the 'doubting Thomas' of the zodiac) into thinking astrology is nonsense since most of the adults (except for my NF grandmother) took pleasure in mocking. (Un)fortunately for me astrology proved itself in a big way when I was just 12 and then again a few years later. Studying the real thing, not newspaper columns, has proven as insightful as it has been rewarding over the years. Usually what I tell people espousing the quoted view is that they should check it out for themselves, in secret if necessary, to see if it really works rather than just trusting popular opinion which is really that - opinion.
I believe in astrology as a form of symbolic representation of certain truths relating to ❍.

If you're wondering what ❍ is: opengroundedness. The heart of open monism. :thumbsup:
I don't believe in astrology because it's wrong to exclusively group people without evidence.
Does it make a difference that one person's astrological position isn’t really better or worse than any other?
It’s not like there are anti-Sagittarians, lol.
It makes no difference to me.
I think some would be of the mind that there is plenty of evidence and the definition of “wrong” is perspective/opinion.
But I by no means am arguing for or against, the subject has always been a bit touch and go with me...and that’s saying something.
There is definitely a detailed “science” to the whole thing, not that more detail makes more correct.
I just try not to dismiss the possibility I guess. ;)