Dislike/Animosity Towards INFJs? | INFJ Forum

Dislike/Animosity Towards INFJs?


Retired Staff
Aug 23, 2011
I was browsing the internetz (a dangerous pasttime, I know) and came upon this... thing.


Are sentiments like this common, in particular towards INFJs? I'm not sure I've ever seen such pronounced hatred directed towards one type as of yet in my typology travels. Anyone have an idea what the cause of this is? Ignorance? Is it just something that happens at typologycentral, and would one find a plethora of "insert type here hatred" threads there? Or here, even? I still have some browsing to do.

Some of that responses to that thread were reasonable - though, naturally, that was usually when INFJs responded, as one doesn't often engage in self-bashing. One of the responses made me lol, though, because it's kind of true:

I am very bad about reading threads all of the way through, so I apologize if this has been touched on.

I hate that INFJs tend to think that all other INFJs aren't really INFJs and are really mistyped ISFJs or INFPs or something of the sort. It's like most INFJs seem to have the mentality that "there can only be one."
Though I would say that many types engage in denying that others are their type, not just INFJs - but in the short time I've spent here, I've seen plenty of people call out others for ISFJs/INFPs when they say they're INFJ.

As if being INFP/ISFJ would be something someone would want to hide (maybe it could be possible if for some odd reason they've come to believe that INFJs are special, I don't know).
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So... bashing, clearly these people are intimidated/fear us... otherwise they would not have so much active hate going on. I will have to say I really liked this one:

"yeah, ghandi and mother theresa suck.

i hate INFJs."

I would consider this quote from one of my favorite books very descriptive of us in could be considered good or bad way.. at least it describes me very well: "Ruthless idealism implemented pragmatically" and this about a character that is incredibly practical, does not like having to interfere, but knows that if he does not then things just won't get done. The lesser of evils. I do what needs being done because it needs being done and if no one else will than I will. If they dislike that then they need to start fixing their own problems and leave us alone to ourselves, we are fine with that but if you ask me to take care of your problem I will, just because you don't like the solution does not mean you would like any of the other possibilities any better.

Also... I would say that more people than one would think are INFJs... at least I am pretty sure some of my friends who claim to be INTJs are really INFJs from what I have seen. Anyway, each person is themselves and can portray any traits they choose and these may change on the day or the situation. Categorizing can contain any good or bad traits you have ever seen and seems slightly silly in this fashion...

Also, many of these are mocking of the question itself or in support of INFJs... I think that is a testament in support of us more than a bashing because there are only a few and it is pretty easy to tell that they have been hurt in the past by some key individuals that they think might be INFJs. Our annoying tendencies are not so bad it seems if ranting and walling others out are the only consistently bad traits they can come up with.

Oh, and this one seems so cute/funny, you can tell he really likes us despite his best efforts ^_^:

"I hate INFJs. They are so perfect, it makes me sick. I mean, they are so versatile in their knowledge of things and can always present themselves like they know exactly who they are, even though some don't. Its what one sees on the outside that really impacts first impressions, anyway, so what does the other bullshit matter?

What really pisses me off is how they can be like a tank emotionally, and yet still not be a robot.

God, I wish they would all die. I'm so sick of their causes that actually give their life meaning while everyone else sits around and plays with their dicks. But to do that, we'd have to get past the most awesome INFJ of all.....ByMySword. Man, that guy looks at you and you feel Death's icy grip upon you. He's like an INTJ with moral character. True story.

Basically, a cold-blooded killer with a cause who can find justification in all the lives he takes.

So as much as I hate INFJs, I don't want to get on their bad side.

It would be regretted. :devil:"

Many of the others are sweet reverse compliments, or at least things I find compliments. We are effective it seems, and that makes us to be feared from those who would abuse themselves or others. Of the ones that seem the most true to me, this covers a lot of my bad traits:

"Sometimes they can disclose too much, thus making people think they're their new BFF- when the INFJ doesn't think so or think what they said was too "personal" to them or considered overly friendly.
Realising that they've said too much once people latch onto them and they suddenly don't like the attention...well don't fucking reach out so easily, then!
Trying to perfect themselves.
Thinking they can be perfect.
Being too critical of themselves, at times, and of others (close to them) who don't match up to their vision of how they should be (especially after they've tried *helping* them to improve themselves, whether asked to or...not).
Getting stuck in their heads Ni-ing their vision and ignoring everyone else-
Getting overly emotional on behalf of other's and thinking of other's issues, but not really doing so for themselves (bottling it up) until they cave in or burst out...and are utterly embarrassed or ashamed that they couldn't control themselves.
Fucking Fe gone overboard b/c they try to do too much or with too many people, cave in due to stress or irritation and then cave away for weeks or months and people have no clue where the hell they went or why because they aren't informed.
Not allowing other people to do things for them out of kindness w/o feeling a bit bad about it or embarrassed (that BS modesty mindset?) and expecting others to allow THEM to do things b/c it's okay if THEY do it. Really. It's okay-"

"*Sassy (but those comments usually stay inside the head because it wouldn't be polite...unless provoked)"

"Damn, I can't find a reason to hate them...
I feel like I'm being manipulated."

I dislike that it is so easy for us to manipulate people... sometimes it seems like others just roll over for us to manipulate them and power corrupts, so I try not to, but really if people did not make it so easy to get them to behave the way I want them to... silly silly humans

"Noting this thread is dominated by INFJ's expressing self-hatred..." seems likely that we hate ourselves more than just about anyone else does. I dislike this one about myself and it is very true:

"And that bloodyminded drive for closure in areas of disagreement can be very wearing. They can't seem to agree to disagree until they have 1) had the last word (and not just any last word - a satisfyingly decisive last word) or 2) phrased your agreement to disagree as an agreement for you to willfully choose to ignore all sense and wallow in wrong-minded, selfish and morally-abhorrent ignorance."

"The INTJ is dedicated to arguing that their position is the "right" one and the INFJ is dedicated to proving that the INTJ's position is not completely right." I tend to do that with anyone... that is argue to prove them not completely right.

"they're not worth getting to know (they actually PRIDE themselves on being difficult to understand!!!)" hmmm... interesting point, I would agree/disagree with it somewhat: we are worth getting to know if for the reason that we are difficult, that makes us a challenge, and thereby interesting and unique.
"What really pisses me off is how they can be like a tank emotionally, and yet still not be a robot."

"What really pisses me off is how they can be like a tank emotionally, and yet still not be a robot."


fuckin' awesome. :D
"And that bloodyminded drive for closure in areas of disagreement can be very wearing. They can't seem to agree to disagree until they have 1) had the last word (and not just any last word - a satisfyingly decisive last word) or 2) phrased your agreement to disagree as an agreement for you to willfully choose to ignore all sense and wallow in wrong-minded, selfish and morally-abhorrent ignorance."

LOL. I can see that in myself, a little. It's not that I have a desire to manipulate at all. Rather, I intensely hate anything that smacks of manipulation. I can agree to disagree, but not when it comes wrapped in veiled insults, passive aggression or non-apologies. That feels like nails on a chalkboard to me. Agree to disagree, sure. Agree to let you insult me while simultaneously letting you save face? Negative. Then, I'm like a bulldog...I hate closure that comes with a swift (and unfair) kick in the tail.
Hm... I think that hatred of INTJs may stem from our rather insufferable idealism (which I love),and our ability and drive to implement it practically. This can result in both mother Teresa and Hitler.... so it's only natural that some people have only been exposed to the 'Little Hitlers', as my INTJ friend tends to call them. Our type is actually quite peaceful as a whole, so I think that those that proclaim their hate for us:

1. Have had limited exposure to our type, and have only seen the negative examples.
2. Are ignorant for judging an entire group of people by their personality type or one experience.
"Getting stuck in their heads Ni-ing their vision and ignoring everyone else-
Getting overly emotional on behalf of other's and thinking of other's issues, but not really doing so for themselves (bottling it up) until they cave in or burst out...and are utterly embarrassed or ashamed that they couldn't control themselves.
Fucking Fe gone overboard b/c they try to do too much or with too many people, cave in due to stress or irritation and then cave away for weeks or months and people have no clue where the hell they went or why because they aren't informed.
Not allowing other people to do things for them out of kindness w/o feeling a bit bad about it or embarrassed (that BS modesty mindset?) and expecting others to allow THEM to do things b/c it's okay if THEY do it. Really. It's okay-"

WOW, busted.
My personal opinion is that anyone who has a massive grudge against one particular type is an idiot and should not be listened to. It makes about as much sense as hating everyone who is both right-handed and blue-eyed for example... yeah, they share the same characteristics but I'll bet that if you take the time to know them individually, they're all really different and you'll probably like at least ONE.
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Those sort of sentiments exist towards every type.
It is not limited to any particular websites or forums.

Typology is about categorizing and labeling people according to perceived traits. It seems expected that people would then use it to systematically justify their prejudices towards others. That being said, all the types are deeply flawed, as people are all flawed. If attempting to explain people's virtues in terms of typology is reasonable, then explaining their flaws in similar terms should be as well*. Problem is people conveniently forget to look at themselves with the same critical eye. I think it's probably healthy to be able to hate on yourself at least as much as you do everyone else.

*I don't claim that either of these are necessarily reasonable, though.

hush said:
Is it just something that happens at typologycentral, and would one find a plethora of "insert type here hatred" threads there? Or here, even? I still have some browsing to do.

people conveniently forget to look at themselves with the same critical eye. I think it's probably healthy to be able to hate on yourself at least as much as you do everyone els

I hate that INFJs tend to think that all other INFJs aren't really INFJs and are really mistyped ISFJs or INFPs or something of the sort. It's like most INFJs seem to have the mentality that "there can only be one."

I said almost the exact same thing in vh's "bitch about mbti types" thread. Yeah, It's a stereotype, but I have seen it before. Btw, I HATE HOW X'S ALWAYS Y!
That "INFJ Hate Thread" seems slightly tongue-in-cheek to me. Either that or it's just dumb, so I'm not going to lose sleep over it. Even if they hate INFJ's I'm not going to lose sleep over it. Who gives a shit?

As for thinking that all other INFJ's are not really INFJ's...........WHAT??? Where'd they get that one? Gimme a fucking break.
Dear world, plz don't be racist to the INFJs

I hate that INFJs tend to think that all other INFJs aren't really INFJs and are really mistyped ISFJs or INFPs or something of the sort. It's like most INFJs seem to have the mentality that "there can only be one."

I've seen this kind of mentality among all sorts of personality types/forums online.. don't really think it's a solely INFJ thing.

The criticisms people give may be true, but [MENTION=3361]Wish[/MENTION] is right saying anyone who holds a massive grudge against any particular types for whatever reason either has a lot of personal issues and cynicisms they need to get over or they have decided to cut themselves off from being open to people of certain types, overgeneralizing characteristics of them based on limited experiences they've had with people of the types. Usually both.
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I found that thread hilarious and offensive. I mean, shit, it's all true, but I'm pretty happy on my moral high horse.


Other folks just can't accept the fact that there's a minority type which is superior to them in every way imaginable.

Every great person in history ever was an INFJ. Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Jesus, Gandhi's wife, Obama, JFK, Frank Sinatra, God. But of course, on this forum, I'm the only real INFJ. Who else could lay claim to such a prestigious accolade? Sheesh.

Lookit, don't you see that the eternal spring of mountain sunshine can't factor once but every full moon, the light tragically poised, burning babies run wild into the vagrant cavities of my soul, I am the Hitler of art, unwrong my wrongdoings so I can wrong what is wrong in the world; but wrong me back and the wrong will not right itself unless all that is wrong is once again restored to it's resting place. QED


Confession: One time I poured gasoline on an anthill and lit it on fire. I enjoyed it.
"It's ok, you're still a fantastic person. Those ants probably deserved it, they were messing with your landscaping."

ESTJ's are literally, literally, literally, figuratively, literally hell on earth. Te is the Devil's bible. I went on an ESTJ forum once and there was a thread like "emotional difficulty: why is it so hard to get other people to accept the fact that they're wrong?" Don't they realize they're the problem with this planet?

Guys look at me. I'm so bitchin' with my Fe that I can sit next to total strangers in the park and within five minutes their telling me about their deepest darkest secrets, like how they take their coffee.

Everyone's tripping balls over drama and stuff but I'm a badass so I'll just sit here and give people my cold death-stare. It's called Ni man, pure Ni.
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~.- There will always be people with a grudge, or a chip on their shoulder. Learn from them and move on.

MBTI is not a valid excuse to be a moron or escape human fallibility by digging one's head in the sand. Everyone is human and has problems to overcome; our sensibilities are irrelevant when understanding another.
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our sensibilities are irrelevant when understanding another.

Perfect. Often times people use these prejudgements as a shortcut towards understanding people. But in reality, like a racial stereotype, MBTI can be used for evil and we must not lose sight of the individual.
I was browsing the internetz (a dangerous pasttime, I know) and came upon this... thing.


Are sentiments like this common, in particular towards INFJs? I'm not sure I've ever seen such pronounced hatred directed towards one type as of yet in my typology travels. Anyone have an idea what the cause of this is? Ignorance? Is it just something that happens at typologycentral, and would one find a plethora of "insert type here hatred" threads there? Or here, even? I still have some browsing to do.

I'm not surprised. I read some of the posts. They sound like pissed off SOs.
So what. I'm sure there are other sights that promote the same diatribe. But you have to admit, the INFJ thing can get on someone's nerves. When I found out I was INFJ and then read how rare it was, and come here and there's a whole forum dedicated to INFJs it leaves me kinda wanting to hide a little. I like learning about myself. Yeah, don't feel like I fit in. But doesn't everybody. I can see if I walked around and started repeating things like how mysterious my type was, or how intune I am, my wife just might not want to hang out with me anymore. I think it's easy to see how someone could get annoyed. Especially if some guys wife talked endlessly about how special her insights were and she proved to be wrong a lot. Just saying, she might piss you off too and then what would you post. Lol

Some of that responses to that thread were reasonable - though, naturally, that was usually when INFJs responded, as one doesn't often engage in self-bashing. One of the responses made me lol, though, because it's kind of true:

Though I would say that many types engage in denying that others are their type, not just INFJs - but in the short time I've spent here, I've seen plenty of people call out others for ISFJs/INFPs when they say they're INFJ.

As if being INFP/ISFJ would be something someone would want to hide (maybe it could be possible if for some odd reason they've come to believe that INFJs are special, I don't know).

Yeah, I think we should get past the special part. Just people. You put something on a pedestal it can only get knocked over.

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