Design A Room For The Previous Poster | INFJ Forum

Design A Room For The Previous Poster


Sep 5, 2009
Yep, design a fun, creative room for the previous poster.

You can type or post a pic. :)
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I can't design a room, but I picked one for @Gist from my Pinterest board of fave libraries. Modern, famine, romantic, comfy, full of books:

EDIT: oops, I see the OP said next poster. oh well, I did previous poster.
Okay. So I create a room for the next poster. Who could be anyone. Alright. I'll pull a lazy like @PintoBean and upload a pic:

Okay. So I create a room for the next poster. Who could be anyone. Alright. I'll pull a lazy like @PintoBean and upload a pic:

My mistake. I was supposed to write "previous poster". @PintoBean, you were totally right the first time. :) So @Night Owl, you would design a room for Pintobean.

@hush or @Wyote, could you change the word in the thread title from "next" to "previous"? Thanks.
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My mistake. I was supposed to write "previous poster". @PintoBean, you were totally right the first time. :) So @Night Owl, you would design a room for Pintobean.

Okay. Yay. Alright Pinto here's my crack (limited to online images!). I want honest feedback on a scale out of 10, and any adjustments you'd make :)

8/10. I've always wanted to be in a classic old dungeon. I'd give 9/10 if the ground was flatter. Never a 10, as it is a dungeon after all. @ruji


My mistake. I was supposed to write "previous poster". @PintoBean, you were totally right the first time. :) So @Night Owl, you would design a room for Pintobean.

@hush or @Wyote, could you change the word in the thread title from "next" to "previous"? Thanks.

Fixed - sorry for the delay. I didn't get a mention notification. :(

*cough* @Deathjam *cough*

Hmm, for @Night Owl ...

Wow, @Gist , you really don’t know how on-point you nailed that!


I think you'd appreciate being able to curl up by a fire with a good book, as well as having the big windows with a view of a mountain range and wide open spaces.


I think you'd appreciate being able to curl up by a fire with a good book, as well as having the big windows with a view of a mountain range and wide open spaces.

Thank you so much @atree. You are right. I love it!
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