Dear INFJs: Where do you hang out, outside of your home?

Wow. It's funny that so many of us like organic food stores! I don't have many nearby, but I love the stores that have sections dedicated to organic foods. I like outdoor food markets, too.
I mostly spend time in small, old-fashioned cafes, libraries, bookstores, any kind of forest or natural area that's not very well known. I also like seeking out remaining record stores, second hand stores, and stores that inspire creativity like art supply stores, office supply stores, and (here in Canada) the Bulk Barn :P. Basically anywhere that offers creative stimulation, intellectual satisfaction, and/or seclusion and quiet.
Ah, right! I love office supply stores, too. And again, lovin' everyone else's list. One of my biggest vices is purchasing pens and pencils. If I find a cool one or an unusual one I'm buying it.

Another place I like hanging out - especially in summer - outdoor markets, flea markets, and farmers markets. But I don't like going when they're overly crowded so I'll go during "off" times.
Ah, right! I love office supply stores, too. And again, lovin' everyone else's list. One of my biggest vices is purchasing pens and pencils. If I find a cool one or an unusual one I'm buying it.


i loooove office supply stores.

i have a teensy bit of a stationery addiction.

i loooove office supply stores.

i have a teensy bit of a stationery addiction.
Definitely here too.

I seriously will shell out $10 bucks at the dollar store on pens, pencils, erasers and STICKY NOTES ^^
Count me in for all of the above as well, with special acknowledgments for the Organic Food Store!!

A major one for me, is the Ocean. I Love spending time near the water...
natural beauty is a big one for me too. I love mountains, anywhere I can look over a large area of land.
At the ocean - in and out of the water
Riding bikes
Jazz and Classical music performances
Antiques/bric-a-brac markets (I get some sort of satisfaction at looking a old, unusual stuff)
Glider clubs (I keep meaning to do this - flying alone in silence, except for the rush of wind really appeals to me) edit: Just look at my avatar for pete's sake.
Pistol range
$2 dollar stores - I know, I know - it's pathetic
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I love craft stores too :) it bad I suddenly heard that old Beastie Boys song 'She's Crafty' and pictured you dancing down the aisle of Michael's? :)
I don't "hang out".
I've discovered recently that I really like bookstores when I'm not in my people-proof hole, (need to trademark that one) but I've always loved places in nature. I like a coffee shop atmosphere too. Parks are a favorite of mine too when I go, and I enjoy walking around my neighborhood.
Oh I also love to snowboard. It's so damn expensive but it's worth it. The rush of the wind and the cold on your face going down a hill's beautiful. Your mind is thankfully full of nothing, only focusing on how you are going to get down the mountain. I love anything that makes me think of nothing. Or I guess occupies my mind so much that I can't think about all the little things bothering me.
I hang out at home, in the library, and at clubs. Rarely bars. I really like gettogethers at my friends houses.
I live in "God's country" so when I hang out with a friend, it usually means we're hiking a canyon. When my hanging out happens in solitude, it usually occurs on a meditation cushion underneath a couple cedar trees out back.

I'm not much for groups.
Recently I've been at the gym. This is the last place I would expect myself to be, with so many people around watching each other. But I'm trying to push myself to do things that make me feel uncomfortable and analyze the outcome. Nothing bad happens. And it's a small quiet gym. I see people I knew in elementary school, but I just let it go. I'm kind of surprised I'm able to go there.
i can be found at

panera bread
forever 21

on state street, chicago
Desolate beaches
Dark forests
Under bridges
Benches in the park farthest from the entrance