Common core dumbing down the US?

no you are saying that there is, then wallpapering your thread with the usual bs
no you are saying that there is, then wallpapering your thread with the usual bs

You just said in your last post that they are trying to align education in different districts and likened it to railway that is systematising no?

If you read the information i posted about the rockefeller fund then you will see that systematising things is exactly what their agenda has been from the start of their interference
Ken Robinson!! KEN ROBINSON! I encourage too look him up! Here's a video (I think I've posted it here before!)


I HIGHLY recommend reading more of his work if you're interested in changing the education system! It's extremely interesting

yeah i think we do need to approach leanring differently

I think the process should be a lot more fluid in a number of ways

people should be able to try different things. It should be structured in modules so that you can pursue one or two things that really interest you or dip into lots of stuff.

Also there should be no time limit on your learning. So lets say that at 25 your interests suddenly drastically change. you should be able to access any module you want online in any subject and educate yourself to whatever depth and breadth that you desire from the basics right up to advanced and beyond

Also foreign language should not deal with written language at all until advanced stages. It should get children speaking language and speaking useful language from the get go doing group work so that they develop their ability to communicate in another language and can see (or rather live) their improvements and also develop a useful skill

Most of what we are told at the moment lacks relevance in day to day life

We are told nothing about cooking (home ec is a joke most of the time). We are taught little about economics, business, law and anything that will empower you as a person within this system

Rich people are unaffected by this because they have the money to hire experts in each of these fields but it dissempowers everyone else (although the internet has given people more ability to learn for themselves)

So yeah...children should be able to explore, put things down, pick them up again when they want, or not at all, find their interests and strengths and weaknesses and be able to return to their learning throughout their life until they pass away

The internet offfers amazing new opportunities to build packages of information that can be learned from home or at school and university at any age. It also can offer access to the best teachers

The authorities want school to be glorified childcare though because they want both parents to work so that they can tax them and so that children can be raised by the state into their robotised, systematised ways of doing things

Call me 'divergent' but this current mode of doing things is dumb!
But math is only logical isn't it? So how could anyone fail at giving change?

What you're saying IS what we'd call 'common sense'.

What's worse is when something costs $11.25 and you give them a $20 and two $1s expecting back $10.75

Because these kids who stare blankly into the cash register only see in numbers, more so the number they are missing. Change is a constant in that a dime equals ten cents and a quarter 25 and a nickel 5 and a penny 1. The kid looking at the cash register is not looking for a quarter and a dime and a penny, they're looking for 36. Their mind hasn't passed number 36 and because of that it will take them longer to get the customers change.

And 'common sense' does not really mean what people intend it to mean. What is thought of as 'common sense' to you may not be common sense to me. To me, it was common sense that in that math question the only part that missing was how many friends the little girl had. Spitting out a phrase of 'this is common sense how do you not know this' is because it is not common sense, it is a thought that you have and because people are not as quick to that thought or do not think that thought at all they must be stupid because they don't have 'common sense.' With how many perversions people have put toward the meaning of common sense I can't really tell what is and isn't common sense anymore. Is it common sense to not stick your hand in a fire? It's not to children, or people who haven't before. If you have had a life experience and claim it common sense to those who haven't somehow they are automatically ridiculously stupid. Common sense is just another way of calling one a dumb ass, it's not an actual thing.
Because these kids who stare blankly into the cash register only see in numbers, more so the number they are missing. Change is a constant in that a dime equals ten cents and a quarter 25 and a nickel 5 and a penny 1. The kid looking at the cash register is not looking for a quarter and a dime and a penny, they're looking for 36. Their mind hasn't passed number 36 and because of that it will take them longer to get the customers change.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. When I said be creative I did not mean invent any old answer.

This is a problem with schooling where the right answer is demanded in a certain way - it stops you from actually thinking.

However a clever thinker will solve this problem without even being taught how, when they understand the nature of numbers. Numbers are not just symbols, they are quantities that relate to each other.

Technically speaking, the symbol 36 is not a number. It is a numeral representation of a number. Numerals and numbers are not the same thing.
I'm not sure it is logical for everyone!

I think there are really interesting ways to bridge the arts/science divide and make math less science, and more accessible to students who are conceptual learners. This is difficult, but I think if we stop creating 'science' and 'arts' divides, and see that there's so much similarity and overlap in how we learn these disciplines, students could foster creativity, individuality, and applied skills while they learn these concepts.

Lol I'm not saying that math can't be fun or foster artistic traits, I'm saying that numbers are logical and they are very strictly black and white.

Artists have done great things with math in ways of geometry. You can figure out the exact diameter of a sea shell using math, and draw it to that scale. Math, with its numbers, made art more efficient. After that it was ones own imagination that took flight. The constant is still constant though, if you do not know how to draw life as it is you cannot distort it as well as you could artistically. The best artists didn't start out drawing cartoons for a living, they drew life. From there it went into their own imagination. Math is that same fundamental at its core, it is a set of numbers with a constant outcome, it is up to the person to put their own imagination to it however they must first learn the fundamentals.

I'm not saying that math can't be fun or you can't learn it different ways or that its just a bleak desert of dis-pare where imagination goes to die, I am saying that 2+2 will always equal 4, it does not magically turn into a 7.
I'm not saying that math can't be fun or you can't learn it different ways or that its just a bleak desert of dis-pare where imagination goes to die, I am saying that 2+2 will always equal 4, it does not magically turn into a 7.


In ternary (base 3)
Children have to do what the teachers tell them. the teachers have to do what the guidelines tell them and parents for the most part have to just suck it up

The question here is: 'are the guidelines correct?' and also 'is there an agenda behind the guidelines?'

Did you learn about nazi germany at school? We did....i'm from scotland by the way...we were hammered about the nazis to the point where i was actually put off history (because i like looking at the overall picture not zooming in on one thing the whole time to the loss of the wider me history is not about looking at dusty books telling us about past is a study of human behaviour)

So anyway...if you were taught about the nazis at school you would no doubt have been told how the nazis changed the school curriculem in order to affect how children perceived the world and their place in it. Also children were encouraged to be spies for the state against their own parents

So if that could happen in modern industrialised germany then it can happen in other modern industrialised countries

So the question i'm asking is: 'is there a political agenda behind common core?'

Lol if there was a political agenda in the teaching of math it would be to teach the next generation how to obey while still getting the same outcome, or maybe even a better one. The point in this would be to make the next generation not live with their parents with no job, no future, jacking off in front of a computer till their life ends, or they finally tell themselves to be better. Which from what I've seen happens to people around the age of 35.

Politically they would aim to make their economy better, cause you can't take over the world with a shitty economy.

Hahaha *shake my head*
Lol if there was a political agenda in the teaching of math it would be to teach the next generation how to obey while still getting the same outcome, or maybe even a better one. The point in this would be to make the next generation not live with their parents with no job, no future, jacking off in front of a computer till their life ends, or they finally tell themselves to be better. Which from what I've seen happens to people around the age of 35.

Politically they would aim to make their economy better, cause you can't take over the world with a shitty economy.

Hahaha *shake my head*

I think its poignant that Orwell who served in the propaganda department of the BBC during WW2 (and therefore knows about the kind of skullduggery that was going on) warned us in his book '1984' about a distortion of education and of language

Orwell says in the book that the aim is to teach the population that 2+2=5 because if you can convince people of that then they are controllable as they really can't tell up from down anymore

I don't think the US government is behaving in a way that is sustainably competitive in the global fact it appears that certain interest groups are trying to sabotage the dollar on the road to a new currency

A strong and independent US (particularly the US because it was at one point an economic and military powerhouse) is a barrier to the creation of a world the US must be weakened first so that they will come crawling in desperation, on their hands and knees under the auspices of the new world order

So education in the US is not about creating the best candidates (unless you are rich and can send your kids to the best schools) is really about creating a dumbed down and pliable work force that can be absorbed into a global fascistic system

David Rockefeller (head of the rockefeller clan) wrote his thesis at uni on fabian socialism...these are the ideas those guys are working with and those are the guys shaping your education system

In ternary (base 3)

You have made me go cross eyed researching how that works, lol thanks for that. 4=11 however it is 2*2 that equals 11. From there I don't know, but I am more than sure it is not written out 2+2=11.

You have made me go cross eyed researching how that works, lol thanks for that. 4=11 however it is 2*2 that equals 11. From there I don't know, but I am more than sure it is not written out 2+2=11.


2+2=11 in ternary because in ternary there are only three numerals 0, 1, and 2.

You get 11 because there is no 4. 2+1 carries to 10 just as 9+1 carries to 10 in decimal. Since you have 1 more, it is 2+2, it carries to 10 and adds 1 to get 11.

To make it more obvious that it is 11 in ternary, one can write 11 with a subscript 3 (a numeral in a smaller print that is slightly lowered, similar to exponent but at the bottom instead of top) to distinguish it from decimal. But I don't think we can do that here.

Edit edit:
Also if you're still confused about this, 11 in ternary is this many: ****
It is not this many: ***********
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I think its poignant that Orwell who served in the propaganda department of the BBC during WW2 (and therefore knows about the kind of skullduggery that was going on) warned us in his book '1984' about a distortion of education and of language

Orwell says in the book that the aim is to teach the population that 2+2=5 because if you can convince people of that then they are controllable as they really can't tell up from down anymore

I don't think the US government is behaving in a way that is sustainably competitive in the global fact it appears that certain interest groups are trying to sabotage the dollar on the road to a new currency

A strong and independent US (particularly the US because it was at one point an economic and military powerhouse) is a barrier to the creation of a world the US must be weakened first so that they will come crawling in desperation, on their hands and knees under the auspices of the new world order

So education in the US is not about creating the best candidates (unless you are rich and can send your kids to the best schools) is really about creating a dumbed down and pliable work force that can be absorbed into a global fascistic system

David Rockefeller (head of the rockefeller clan) wrote his thesis at uni on fabian socialism...these are the ideas those guys are working with and those are the guys shaping your education system

The people in control in the US, or the people who want to be in control, would have better luck molding third world countries into their likeness as they have found out and have since been doing. You can't necessarily grab a bunch of entitled bastards and yell 'work for me!' and expect them to do it. Something that has given great frustration to the rich and they are taking their 'work for me!' attitudes else where. Like that fucked up church that went to, Nigeria? somewhere, and told those people to start burning the gays. If anything, the US will be the last to conform if at all. Really someone should just bomb us, we're unteachable, lol...
The people in control in the US, or the people who want to be in control, would have better luck molding third world countries into their likeness as they have found out and have since been doing. You can't necessarily grab a bunch of entitled bastards and yell 'work for me!' and expect them to do it. Something that has given great frustration to the rich and they are taking their 'work for me!' attitudes else where. Like that fucked up church that went to, Nigeria? somewhere, and told those people to start burning the gays. If anything, the US will be the last to conform if at all. Really someone should just bomb us, we're unteachable, lol...

They don't want to teach majority world countries they just want to take their they give them lots of guns and make them all fight each other and whilst they are doing that...they steal their resources

They don't want anyone to be smart

2+2=11 in ternary because in ternary there are only three numerals 0, 1, and 2.

You get 11 because there is no 4. 2+1 carries to 10 just as 9+1 carries to 10 in decimal. Since you have 1 more, it is 2+2, it carries to 10 and adds 1 to get 11.

Alright well, in 2nd grade math and the math I was speaking of, we were both speaking of until you quoted ternary base 3 to prove some asinine point, 2+2=4. Whether you just want to with an argument or actually teach me something I can no longer tell and I will remember to not do this again.

Though for someone who is so easy to understand math it is no surprise you would think that learning common core wouldn't help kids in future math. These things are not your definition of 'common sense.'
Alright well, in 2nd grade math and the math I was speaking of, we were both speaking of until you quoted ternary base 3 to prove some asinine point, 2+2=4. Whether you just want to with an argument or actually teach me something I can no longer tell and I will remember to not do this again.

Though for someone who is so easy to understand math it is no surprise you would think that learning common core wouldn't help kids in future math. These things are not your definition of 'common sense.'

It's not asinine, you just think it is because you were taught that the only way in the world is base 10.

That illustrates my point perfectly, IMO.
They don't want to teach majority world countries they just want to take their they give them lots of guns and make them all fight each other and whilst they are doing that...they steal their resources

They don't want anyone to be smart


It's not so much that they don't want people to be smart, it is that they want people to think as they do. Too many of us don't think the way they do at all. This is the Uganda thing I was talking about:
It's not so much that they don't want people to be smart, it is that they want people to think as they do. Too many of us don't think the way they do at all. This is the Uganda thing I was talking about:

No they want a two tier country where we live a certain way and they live a different way

They will get the best of everything whilst we live on state handed out crap

They don't want us to think like them...they want us to have a hive mind...they will be the queen bee

They use christianity as just another way of fucking with peoples minds; they are not christians
No they want a two tier country where we live a certain way and they live a different way

They will get the best of everything whilst we live on state handed out crap

They don't want us to think like them...they want us to have a hive mind...they will be the queen bee

They use christianity as just another way of fucking with peoples minds; they are not christians

Well I suspect that they do want us to think a certain way at minimum.

I'm a product of not thinking in that way. How am I "good at math"? (I'm really not)

I learned in a way that I understood and not in the way they wanted me to understand.
Well I suspect that they do want us to think a certain way at minimum.

I'm a product of not thinking in that way. How am I "good at math"? (I'm really not)

I learned in a way that I understood and not in the way they wanted me to understand.

They don't have one way of subverting our ability to think clearly....they have a million different ways

Over complicating maths is just one in a million ways that these people are taking our power away from us

Their children educated in the most expensive schools and universities will figure things out in a fraction of the time it will take other kids....who do you think will get the job?
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I learned in a way that I understood and not in the way they wanted me to understand.

I struggled with certain areas of math when in school. They couldn't seem to explain it in a way I could conceptualize, and the more frustrated I became the more difficult it became. I was placed in a remedial math class in 3rd grade and I don't recall any of us in the class escaping it as the years passed. Thinking back on it, I'm not so sure that was even the goal.
It wasn't until years later when I was trying to figure something out when a light bulb went off in my head and I got it! Math became easier after I left school when I could work through it on my own terms.
Hell, I still use my fingers at times as a visual aid. This was considered a huge sin back in school and I had to hide it.

Counting change back to a customer I learned from my first job as a gas station attendant.