

Community Member
Does anyone else here have a literal phobia of clutter? I get massive anxiety when there is clutter in my home. My home right now isn’t technically mine so the clutter is out of my control and literally chips away at my sanity. Anyone else like this? It fucking sucks.
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I don't have a literal phobia but I'm sensitive to my environment and clutter can make me feel anxious. It's actually a fairly common feeling, so I don't think you're alone.
I don't have a literal phobia but I'm sensitive to my environment and clutter can make me feel anxious. It's actually a fairly common feeling, so I don't think you're alone.

Thank you for the support. I just wish when I came home that I felt it was a place that I could relax, not just an anxiety provoking place similar to work
I don't like clutter, but I also don't have a phobia about it. I like my environment neat and clean.

Is there a place in your house where you can have your own clutter-free space? A bedroom or study?
I don't like clutter, but I also don't have a phobia about it. I like my environment neat and clean.

Is there a place in your house where you can have your own clutter-free space? A bedroom or study?

Yeah my bedroom and the backyard. Which I tend to hang out in a lot. But staying in my bedroom all the time creates its own mental problems as if I don’t already isolate too much as it is
I guess I’m just ranting about it because it’s the one thing out of my control that has a big impact on my mental health that nobody seems to take me seriously about that is a big deal
I guess I’m just ranting about it because it’s the one thing out of my control that has a big impact on my mental health that nobody seems to take me seriously about that is a big deal

I can't get inside the mind of a person who likes clutter, but failure to listen is a big deal. You may have to clean and neat up the entire place and get on people's cases to keep it that way. I know the struggle because when people aren't cleaning they don't respect how much time and energy it takes, but make your point, at least in "public" rooms like the kitchen, bath, and living room.
I guess I’m just ranting about it because it’s the one thing out of my control that has a big impact on my mental health that nobody seems to take me seriously about that is a big deal
There are plenty of studies that show a link between environment and mental health, so that's not strange at all. (Think of the 'clean your room' meme that's been going around the last few years.)

Different people have different levels of tolerance for clutter. As you have very low levels, you'll always be the first person to notice and be bothered by it. You can have a conversation with the other people in your home about it, and make a schedule where each person cleans, but because of your different wiring, it will never be entirely up to your standards. However, the other people should take you seriously and at least try to clean up. That's just human decency. And it will be an improvement over the current situation.

Good luck.
Yeah I wish they would just TRY to acknowledge that it causes me a great amount of distress as I’ve offered to help with it too. Oddly enough though, cleanliness doesn’t bother me too much, it’s orderliness that gets me fired up
Got to say it that being in this world does require some degree of tolerance to clutter be it going to the homes of others as well many jobs as the clutter ends up being necessary as used and lived in spaces can't be entirely empty.
Does anyone else here have a literal phobia of clutter? I get massive anxiety when there is clutter in my home. My home right now isn’t technically mine so the clutter is out of my control and literally chips away at my sanity. Anyone else like this? It fucking sucks.
I try to live minimalist, yet with quality or aesthetically beautiful things. I cannot stand clutter, but it is a hazard of living with or around others. I can overlook it to a point, then I go in a cleaning and organizing tirade to bring order. I see it more as my 'problem', wherein I can either choose to look the other way, or take it upon myself to ensure an organized environment. If others are content with a bit of clutter that's their choice, but I do not tolerate extreme filth piling up. I used to date a guy who would leave a tornado of crap everywhere. He would pile trash next to the garbage can, leave his clothing next to the hamper, or leave his dirty dishes next to the empty sink, instead of putting any of it where it went. When I went to his mom's house, I realized why. Him and his father were 'trained' to do that because the mom would just go around behind them putting everything up without asking them to do it. It was nuts. When I tried to show him how to clean up, he told me, "Why should I learn this, if you already know how?". When we ended things, he was lost in a sea of trash. Lol. Rumor has it, he was last seen wedged between a mountain of pizza boxes and the sofa. :tearsofjoy:

I hope you can at least have your own space that is clutter free, or speak to those who are adding to the clutter; they may not even be aware of how bad it is. Maybe, you could help offer to organize with them? I hope for peace of mind for you soon.
Clutter makes me feel like I'm suffocating. I like clean open minimalist spaces. What I can't stand is when people feel the need to swarm every available space with ornaments and such and their homes just end up resembling an ocean of personal memorabilia. No sense of aesthetics whatsoever. Just a lot of noise that threatens to wrap itself around your neck, drag you into a swamp of decay and despair and consume your soul.

We must destroy clutter. Before it destroys us.
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Clutter makes me feel like I'm suffocating. I like clean open minimalist spaces. What I can't stand is when people feel the need to swarm every available space with ornaments and such and their homes just end up resembling an ocean of personal memorabilia. No sense of aesthetics whatsoever. Just a lot of noise that threatens to wrap itself around your neck, drag you into a swamp of decay and despair and consume your soul.

We must destroy clutter. Before it destroys us.

lol exactly, well said!
Clutter makes me feel like I'm suffocating. I like clean open minimalist spaces. What I can't stand is when people feel the need to swarm every available space with ornaments and such and their homes just end up resembling an ocean of personal memorabilia. No sense of aesthetics whatsoever. Just a lot of noise that threatens to wrap itself around your neck, drag you into a swamp of decay and despair and consume your soul.

We must destroy clutter. Before it destroys us.
