Bump stocks for guns | INFJ Forum

Bump stocks for guns

just me

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
Bump stocks make a semi-auto rifle or shotgun capable of firing bullets full auto. Trump wants to ban them now. I disagree. I am a gun nut and have never shot anyone in sixty years plus.

HOWEVER, I think any gun attached to a bump stock should be REGULATED the same as a full-auto weapon.
If it ever comes in contact with a bump stock, it should be kept track of by ATF. Then, ban the things.
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Honestly, I think anyone who is mentally stable enough to safely wield firearms should be trained to wield them in defense of the United States, forming a well-regulated militia (as directed by the constitution).

I don't think bump-stocks should be banned.
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The law abiding population should have access to at least. AT LEAST the same weaponry the police force does. Im willing to say maybe not the military.
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After that kids should not be subjected to being sardines.
Raising the buying age to 21 seems odd considering you can be drafted at 18. Raising the buying age to 18 seems reasonable. However that doesnt keep someone who wants to commit mass murder from doing so.
I think arming some teachers is fine but I also think states should be required to have armed trained security in public schools. A certain number per square feet. Just knowing there will be people capible of stopping a mass murderer quickly will be enough to deter some attacks and for those it doesnt, the capability to drop the attacker exists.
Yes it costs money but out of the things tax dollars are spent on....I think this should absolutley be one with no questions from anyone.
That's actually really smart, yeah.
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I don't want my kid going to a school where there are guns everywhere like some third world country. I'd rather he be able to learn in an environment unhampered by the idea that he is always in danger. It just normalizes a deep problem we have. Doesn't work toward understanding or solving it. And I thinking arming teachers is the most ignorant idea I've ever heard on the subject. And in the last shooting, there was armed security in the school. Didn't stop it.

I don't trust teachers to be capable of fending off a maniac with an assault weapon or a modified piece. I'd worry about even more innocents being killed in the firefight. Teachers are there to teach.

People don't even want to fund schools as it is. There are schools (in Oklahoma for example) who have had to implement 4 day school weeks because they don't have the funding to stay open. School teachers already spend their own money on supplies. Who is going to pay for extensive firearm training and any certification and licensing and ammunition and firearms in schools when people barely want to pay to keep schools open and operational in the first place? Are we going to pay teachers a better salary with better benefits if we are going to expect them to be security?
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Welcome to the world. You can live in it, or you can live in your own world, and die in this one.
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Welcome to the world. You can live in it, or you can live in your own world, and die in this one.
Oh please. I've been around a lot longer than you have. I think pumping schools (or any venue) full of more guns isn't a solution to a problem we don't even understand. Maybe the CDC should be able to study this issue unhampered by the NRA.
do you think your age means anything? look at EH.
Thanks for proving my point about you, lol.

I posted a few of my issues or questions with arming teachers, and you haven't even bothered to address any of them. If you're going to respond to me in a thread, it would be great if you could address the points I raise that you disagree with and why instead of just being condescending and offering nothing constructive. Until then, I'm done with this exchange.







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Oh please. I've been around a lot longer than you have. I think pumping schools (or any venue) full of more guns isn't a solution to a problem we don't even understand. Maybe the CDC should be able to study this issue unhampered by the NRA.
You want me to answer this, then? First of all, "isn't a solution to a problem we don't even understand" makes no sense. Now, about your opinion. You have what you want already. No guns in the hands of adults. Good for you. plenty of school shootings in america. Did you know I've lived through two? One, They locked the kids IN THE SCHOOL WITH THE CULRPIT. I don't think Teachers should have guns, no. I do think schools should have security
@Skarekrow I like you, but no.
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@acd explain to me, O wise old one, how disarming people makes them feel safe and secure. I'd love to know
You want me to answer this, then? First of all, "isn't a solution to a problem we don't even understand" makes no sense. Now, about your opinion. You have what you want already. No guns in the hands of adults. Good for you. plenty of school shootings in america. Did you know I've lived through two? One, They locked the kids IN THE SCHOOL WITH THE CULRPIT. I don't think Teachers should have guns, no. I do think schools should have security
@Skarekrow I like you, but no.

Clearly nothing is being changed.
The same old kicking of the can down the road doesn’t work.
I have shot many guns in my life and am not against owning them.
I am against dumb shit like bump stocks and trigger cranks, endless ammo, and armor piercing at that.
There are ZERO background checks in person to person gun sales - how’s that working out?
In every country that has imposed tighter gun restrictions - there has also been a decrease in gun related violence/mass shootings.
Find me a country where it didn’t work.
@acd explain to me, O wise old one, how disarming people makes them feel safe and secure. I'd love to know

Who is talking about no guns at all?
We are talking about devices that turn a normal semi-auto into a fully auto gun.
Should not be on the open market - period.