Best Heist Movies | INFJ Forum

Best Heist Movies


Sep 5, 2009
So, Ocean's 8 is coming out. I'm watching the earlier versions: Ocean's 11, 12 & 13. They were pretty good. One of my favorites is The Thomas Crown Affair (1999). Inside Man and The Italian Job were also good. What are your favorite heist films?
I can't believe I forgot Logan Lucky! Love that film. Despite the actor who played the leader of the heist, Baby Driver is good film.
Reservoir Dogs
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I'm not exactly sure, since @Gaze already mentioned all the heist movies we have (one of my favourite genres).

But I think other mentionable ones could be The Pink Panther, Ladykillers, and perhaps To Catch A Thief, though I suppose that last one isn't one. I couldn't tell, it's been a while since I last saw it.
The wikipedia page suggested Reservoir Dogs as well. Haven't seen that one, though it's said to be amazing.

Then there is Now You See Me as well as Inception. Or another classic, The Sting. It's even in the name!

If we went outside the movie realm, there's the series Leverage. Watched it for a while. But then Free-TV intervened and wouldn't show it.

Edit: I just realised I didn't mention which ones were my favourite, like the OP said! I'll mark them, but non-mentions I like are the Ocean's trilogy and The Italian Job.

Does Fast Five count too?
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I'm not sure if this would classify as a "heist" film, but I found Snatch pretty funny.

Bullet Tooth Tony: Boris the Blade? As in Boris the Bullet-Dodger?

Avi: Why do they call him the Bullet-Dodger?

Bullet Tooth Tony: 'Cause he dodges bullets, Avi.

(I promise you, it's funnier on film)
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Inside Man is phenomenal, and probably my favorite heist film.

Drive, Inception, and Baby Driver are excellent films, but I don't think of them as heist films as the heists themselves are just plot devices, rather than the focus of the films.

As far as films that contain heists that I also enjoy a lot: The Ocean movies (though I disliked the new one), A Fish Called Wanda, The Usual Suspects.
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HEAT was good
One of my favorite heist films of all time is one called
Killing Zoe (1993)’s a simple story but I loved the characters and how you can see the train-wreck coming you just have faith for the main character.
Basically it’s about an American safe thief that travels back to France for one more job. But his old pals are more unhinged than ever before and he just wants to do this last favor he owes and leave the criminal past behind.
Don’t spoil it, just watch it!
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Heist (2001) is actually my new favorite heist movie - whoa. Here's my ranking of heist movies I've seen:

>> Amazing <<
1. Heist (2001)
2. Heat
3. Hell or High Water
4. Inside Man
>> Great <<
5. The Score
6. Ocean's Eleven
7. Reservoir Dogs
8. Logan Lucky
9. A Fish Called Wanda
>> Solid <<
10. The Usual Suspects
11. Bottle Rocket
12. Ocean's Thirteen
13. Ocean's Twelve
>> Okay <<
14. The Lookout
15. Widows
>> fuk <<
16. Ocean's Eight

Others that I've seen but don't know where I'd rank them due to forgetfulness: Jackie Brown, The Italian Job (2003)
Movies that are kind of heisty but I don't consider proper heist movies: Baby Driver, Out of Sight