Are you attracted to arrogance? | INFJ Forum

Are you attracted to arrogance?


Sep 5, 2009
I've noticed that sometimes, myself included, I'm attracted to arrogance or self centeredness in someone? Anyone else. It's not intentional but yet, for some reason, those qualities can be appealing.

Anyone else notices this in their own attractions?
I act passive-aggressive towards them
Arrogance, no. Confidence, yes.

I'm attracted to Alpha males (my husband is one), but only if they are confident enough not to need to be arrogant or cruel in order to get their point across.
No way. I find it very unattractive. I prefer confident and modest.
Noooo! I actually find it very agitating and unpleasant.
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No, i'm really not attracted to arrogance...This coming from a males perspective of course. xD
I mean it's not a quality i look for in a person :D. it's just one of those qualities, which may not be admirable, but yet we just find ourselves attracted to it for whatever reason. Not that you want to be with someone who has those qualities in the long term. This is based on raw, natural attraction.
Still no. xD
Perhaps it has something to do with a suppressed desire to be like that person, to be assertive and confident to the point of being arrogant, that it manifests itself in the form of sexual attraction?

Perhaps it is a projection of our shadow, and our desire to reconcile with it is what spurs the attraction?
Perhaps it has something to do with a suppressed desire to be like that person, to be assertive and confident to the point of being arrogant, that it manifests itself in the form of sexual attraction?

Perhaps it is a projection of our shadow, and our desire to reconcile with it is what spurs the attraction?

[MENTION=3538]Arsal[/MENTION] - Makes sense. I'd agree with that reason.
I get along really well with alpha females. So, yeah, I kinda like it. I just can't be in a relationship with someone like that.
Perhaps it has something to do with a suppressed desire to be like that person, to be assertive and confident to the point of being arrogant, that it manifests itself in the form of sexual attraction?

Perhaps it is a projection of our shadow, and our desire to reconcile with it is what spurs the attraction?

No. It most likely has something to do with the fact that you can feel safe, and they can make the decisions for you.

It depends moreso on the person, than their persona.
No. It most likely has something to do with the fact that you can feel safe, and they can make the decisions for you.

It depends moreso on the person, than their persona.

Why can't it be both?
Why can't it be one?
Yes and far.

paraphrasing a member of a magazine; "girls* want a man who treats everyone like shit except themselves". In that sense, I'm not proud of it but I do. But on the other hand their jerkass attitude turns me off horribly. So it's like seeing a delectable cookie only to find it's a dung cookie. DD:

My crushes (..ex.) are mostly alphas but as far as my perceptions were concerned, lacking the jerkassitude (in fact one is very...nice, and another is...well, so very honorable.). One has that arrogance and soon enough my crush went like vapor after seeing his arrogance in Facebook.

What does it says about me? I have no idea.
hahahah yes I'm so smexy. that means sexy mexican.
In the right setting, it can be a real turn on.

But usually, arrogance bugs me.
Nope, a huge turnoff; humbleness in tandem with genuine intentions/actions... that's attractive