[INTP] Any NTs on the Forum?

My intp housemate, during University would take his turn to cook for the share-house by following a recipe EXACTLY. If the recipe said "dice the carrots into 1cm cubes", he would get a ruler out, to check the cubes were EXACTLY 1cm CUBES.

This does sound like something I would do, just because I'd be scared of messing the meal up. But then I have no cooking experience.
I like INTPs that will cook me meals and tell me stories.

I like Ron too.

My intp housemate, during University would take his turn to cook for the share-house by following a recipe EXACTLY. If the recipe said "dice the carrots into 1cm cubes", he would get a ruler out, to check the cubes were EXACTLY 1cm CUBES.
I'm not trying to be funny but I think that's autism.

Disclaimer: I'm not a shrink.