any INFJs with INFP siblings?


Peace Through Action
I asked my little sister what she is, and unsurprisingly, she is an INFP.

We have a strong yet quiet relationship. She too has periods of withdrawal, yet I am not offended by it like others within our family (Daddy, who I think is an ESXX).

I really look up to her determination, her career-drive, and her ability to be more judgemental of people than I am, thus decreasing her amount of relationship drama (if you can't tell, I have more than I like to have).

What is your relationship like with your INFP sibling or family member, or anyone else who is very close to you?
INFP's are judgemental of people?
INFP's are judgemental of people?

I worded that incorrectly. Thanks. I think I should say she is able to erect boundaries more quickly because of her perceptions of people. Does this make sense?
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I think my little sister might be INFP and yes, she rarely has the relationship drama that I have.

interesting to ponder... Good thread!
Well...I AM an INFP...and two of my very very very closest friends are INFJ. Feel free to ask me questions about how I interact with them....?
What is your relationship like with your INFP sibling or family member, or anyone else who is very close to you?

My relationship with my younger INFP sister is awesome, sure we have had some rough patches but who doesn't?

I help my younger sister where ever I can and vice versa.
At the beginning of this year I encouraged her to do her certificate in photography at university, she was the youngest in the class (13 years) she got top marks and passed. I helped her allot of course with the tutors permission.
Me and her have a keen passion for film and we have decided to work together in the industry.

Our nicknames are Mario and Luigi.
Wow, interesting. My little brother is an INFP. We get along great. We always have. He is not the same as me (obviously), but we have always gotten along. We can always laugh and talk. It is much harder with my ESFP middle brother.
Well...I AM an INFP...and two of my very very very closest friends are INFJ. Feel free to ask me questions about how I interact with them....?


do you find sometimes, that you are asking them if they are ok, and they reply that they're fine?

(my little sister still does this after all these yrs).

do you find sometimes, that you are asking them if they are ok, and they reply that they're fine?

(my little sister still does this after all these yrs).

So like, " everything OK......?" and they're like "yeah, wtf are you talking about?" That happens a lot. I think for me it's a combination of Fi and NiNe - I'm all like "oh it appears like this and this and this has happened in their life, or they're reacting like this, or that's a weird thing to do...that would be me in my NOT ok state."

I'm also not satisfied with the question "How are you?" I'll usually ask that, and then ask "Yes but how is your SOUL? Are you happy?"

do you find sometimes, that you are asking them if they are ok, and they reply that they're fine?

(my little sister still does this after all these yrs).

Oh gosh YES! Sometimes it makes me nuts. I wish she would just confide in me. Counselors we are right? I'm gonna show that part to her and then maybe she'll open up.
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do you find sometimes, that you are asking them if they are ok, and they reply that they're fine?

(my little sister still does this after all these yrs).

That seems to be an INFP trait that I've noticed.

Often when my sister is upset she hides in the forest (we live next to one) and I'm the one trying to find her.
That seems to be an INFP trait that I've noticed.

Often when my sister is upset she hides in the forest (we live next to one) and I'm the one trying to find her.

I will hide in the darkroom. If I'm feeling a little less reclusive, I'll hide in just the general art building area....
But why hide?


Because sometimes people are just too much for this introvert to handle....

The darkroom is because I know and trust most of the people who can get in; it's keyed so that only the people in the photo classes are allowed in (swipey ID thing). I like most of them, so I go there when I need self time.
So INFPs are even more introverted than INFJs? Wow
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I asked my little sister what she is, and unsurprisingly, she is an INFP.

We have a strong yet quiet relationship. She too has periods of withdrawal, yet I am not offended by it like others within our family (Daddy, who I think is an ESXX).

I really look up to her determination, her career-drive, and her ability to be more judgemental of people than I am, thus decreasing her amount of relationship drama (if you can't tell, I have more than I like to have).

What is your relationship like with your INFP sibling or family member, or anyone else who is very close to you?

Yep, they are just so cool that they never developed they J-ness.:m168:

On her facebook, (in relation to me...) "I piss you off because I love you." --Cousin, group join

Gotta love those INFPs
My younger sister is an INFP, and we've always been very close. And yes I notice the withdrawing thing too, that others have mentioned here. It seems like the only thing that's sometimes difficult in our relationship is that where I don't have any difficulties talking to her if something is bothering me, she's more the kind of person that withdraws and tries to solve things quietly by herself. I usually know intuitively if she has something on her mind, and it's very difficult for me to just leave her alone for a while on those moments. I always try to get her to talk to me, want to help, and I know I shouldn't. I know that we're just different in that regard, but still, it makes me feel as if I'm not 'needed'.
So INFPs are even more introverted than INFJs? Wow
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From what I am reading and what I have seen I would say so.

I have an INFJ friend who is private but spends time with others on a regular basis, on the other hand my younger INFP sister and brother (yes I have 2 INFP siblings) don't like leaving the house, they hate answering the door, are afriad of the phone and when they do have to go out they have to take a family member with them.
My sister panics if shes left alone at school for more than an hour.
My INFP brother is homeschooled (as he got bullied at school alongside with me for having autism) and I am his legal part time caregiver, I'm paid to look after him and teach him while my mum goes to university and my dad works full time.
So INFPs are even more introverted than INFJs? Wow
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It's cause we're Fi with Ne...we "intuit" at what's going on around us and process it internally with how it relates to us. That's a lot of internal processing.