Answer with a question! (Part 4) | Page 62 | INFJ Forum

Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Is there just not one of anyone in this world, sense or no sense?
Doesn't that depend on the theory of multiple and infinite dimensions?
Would it make me boring to say that I can only handle one dimension at a time?
Would you feel better if I told you that you can handle at least 4?
Yeah, one dimension would be pretty flat wouldn't it?
Have you ever heard of a line that wasn't flat?
Maybe a good pick-up line?
Or perhaps an insult?
what about that line between insanity and creativity?
The one drawn with faeces?
and wouldn't you need something to store said fluid in?
Are we back to used condoms then?
Does Nixie have an obsession with used condoms?
has she ever seen one?
Did we hit a sore spot?
why are you such a bully?
Me, a bully?
well you got the thumbs down, didn't you?
Does that make you a bully too?
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