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  • It's natural for INFJs to doubt their type. It's a byproduct of Ni and Ti, which are essentially the only functions we can use for introspection. Fe only applies outwardly.
    lol I don't even mind having my picture taken and I end up smirking a lot of the time. Nice to have a face now, never seen a picture of you before that I can recall.
    I'm doing okay, just been very busy. Because of the fiscal year end work has been crazy. I thought I'd pop in here for a quick minute to see what I've been missing, and I was thinking I'd email you a little later to catch up with things in your world. Sorry about the rain. Here, we never really had a spring. Winter lasted too long and then summer hit full force. It's been hot.
    LOL, I'm so proud you let it go, I would hate to have to see you open up a can of whoopass!
    We have had, and will have, sun aplenty here. We are flirting with 100 degrees every day. This is the payback we get for nice, mild winters.

    I have no plans whatsoever, you? I do intend to watch "City Lights" tomorrow night on TMC....very excited about that.

    btw, not sure if I mentioned this, but I have been attending daily Mass on occasion during the week. They are much pared down and simple services. I like it a's easier to enter into without system overload.
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