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  • there was plenty of time, but there wasn't as much in the way of reminders, so some peeps forgot, I guess...and you know how quickly threads get buried...
    well, then you are in for a treat of several hours of sheer enjoyment once you do get around to do it. :D
    *Waves* yeah...sorry bout the ghosting bit, but life and working close to 40 hours a week does it to me!
    thank you...just trying to remember to I inhale cigarettes...yeah, back to that shit again hardcore...:(
    It is taken from a student made video I saw in high school. The main character was being bullied, or heard something that disturbed him, can't really remember which, and he dropped to his knees rocking & repeating "purple crayons" over & over to soothe himself. I interpret it to mean "finding my happy place." :)
    i have missed you too...Im super sick, and a migrane is kicking my ass...I was just handling some drama which is all i get to do lately. I will send you a pm before I go to bed, and maybe tomorrow we can catch up.
    Yes, most definitely interesting, but probably the darkest I've seen from you. I admit it did take me aback at first. I wish I could take some of this weight from you...:hug:
    it doesn't matter. are you saying that it's fine to be mean to those who you find mean?
    what he said to efromm was not bad in the least. how someone can be offended by that is beyond me.
    however, to say that everything someone says is stupid or offensive is mean. to say "no wonder people don't like you" is mean.

    i don't even know notmeganfox well, all i know is that his comment was fine and within the lines, as opposed to yours.
    I wrote a bit of poetry tonight on my signature. Does it have any defineable form you can identify (?)
    well, i would care depending on who those people are and whether or not i like them
    and those that didn't like what i said may be annoyed, but I do not believe anyone would be seriously hurt by my stereotyping of a personality type, as it is not really too personal of a remark
    I thought that was only applicable if you lived under the sea?
    Or have you and Carly been watching little mermaid again, lol?!
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