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  • I'm sorry to hear that *inches back slowly preparing to run*
    My red nose? Well it was doing pretty good until some little kid decided to squeeze it today. Now it's swelling up to the size of a baseball, and for some reason the flower in my pocket appears to be leaking water.
    Dancing bear is an awesome start to a Monday!

    My weekend was fun, but I'm hoping to be less busy next weekend. On Saturday my grandmother took the family out to dinner to celebrate my aunt and uncle's anniversary, and later that night we celebrated my friend's birthday who lives out of state but was back in town for the night. The rest of the weekend was pretty much dedicated to studying, but I had work off so it was nice.

    You have adorable kids :)

    I'm sure that seems kinda creepy,
    but they are.
    Yeah, I think it is 15 posts before you can get a signature. It's just so spammers can't put links on the forums. If you get 15 posts (one more to go!) and it doesn't work, let me know.

    In the mean time, I'll be sitting here patiently waiting for some cake.
    Haha, you're getting up, I'm still at work. You said it. It's Friday! I cannot wait to get out of here and finally get some sleep.
    Yeah, it will get better though with time, though. It's tough to find time for things like that, and I understand you're a single mom with 3 little ones, God bless you and God bless them. Learning how to play an instrument is one of those things that will take time, and I don't have that either, so for now I try to focus on the little things in life. One step at a time.
    It goes, it goes. It's been a busy week, so that is good. I'm at work tonight and it's relatively calm so that is good as well. I work the night shift security for the university in my town. I got my guitar out the other day, and thought of John. I remember when he started to get into classical guitar, and he would share the sheet music he was learning with me by email. I'm hoping I might be able to find some of that music in the future and try to relearn some of it.

    How are you?
    That is amazing. I wonder if you might need to re-take the MBTI test. It currently displays that you are a Sensor. While I can see a Sensor tapping into their intuition with something as profound as a connection to a loved one, I am curious to know if you are in fact more of an intuitive. My main reason is because you state you work in Health Care. That is a strong career for an intuitive.

    In any case, I am sure this whole thing has been very draining for you and the rest of the family. I hope our connection here on the Forum, will help fill you a little by way of comfort and quality connection. I like what you said about not believing online friendships were not as meaningful as real life friendships.
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