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  • No. Not weird at all... in fact, very welcoming and heartwarming. I think infj's value inclusion, and you are probably more a part of the family that you realize.
    Your post on the thread about John's passing filled in the details that were missing... For myself, they are important for my continued grieving process...

    I have always kept my feeling close to me, and have found difficulty in acknowledging them without rationalizing them first... I am thankful, as now I can have it seem more real to me. I hate to say it because I know it sounds bad, but I did know that he had gone before it was mentioned here...

    It's a real gift to have you join the forums, and I hope you'll remain a firm member.

    we all have flaws, that's me with instruments, i've never really had patience for them, with other things, i usually have more patience, instruments were never on that list lol
    yeah i remember him talking about different guitar types too, like he would talk about how each one is different, and i always thought wow, he's talented, i wish i had that kind of talent, i can't play instruments at all lol.
    Yeah, you're right about that. He was always the one trying to cheer everyone up. He was always the one to make me laugh. It's nice to think of the good times.
    Hah! Good luck with that. Pretty sure mine looks like crap on the default template, but I use Black Earth which makes it look all matrix-y.
    No worries, if you have any questions about navigating I can answer, or track one down hopefully hehe.

    mf knows his way around pretty well too =P
    I'm snooping on you and mf's wall and I see you intend to stick around, so I'd like to formally welcome you and offer a shoulder to lean on or any other type of support you may need. PM me any time, about anything ^_^
    I don't think people will be weirded out. If anything, I think a lot of us are happy to have you here. You aren't him, and I don't think anyone is expecting you to fill that void. As someone he spoke highly of I'm just pleased to have you around and the opportunity to interact. I think you might end up enjoying it here, but I think we have a really special group of people for an internet forum with a lot of laughs and support (of course that might just be me because I've spent so much time here ;P)
    We all wish we hadn't been wrapped up in our own issues. I actually feel that way too. I feel like I should have been there for him more than I have. But it has happened and we can't change it. My friend told me that we should learn from our experiences. Let's all just learn from this and be at peace with the fact that John is resting in peace.
    Your brother was one hell of a person and one damn good friend. I feel incredibly blessed to have gotten to know him, and I consider him a very good friend. We would joke all of the time, he taught me a lot, and he had a huge heart. In many ways he was like the big brother I never had. Although I've only ever known him through digital forms and text messages, he had a way of making the connection so much more than that. He made it real.

    I'm glad to have the chance to meet you, and I wish that it could have been through different circumstances. Your brother made up a huge part of this community, and many of us carry him and his memory in our hearts as well. I hope that in time, should you chose to stick around here, we can all share some memories and some laughs.

    Welcome to our community, and our home.
    Yeah, he had a huge heart. My heart and prayers go out to you, the family, and his friends. May he rest in peace.
    Yeah. I can only imagine losing my brother :/ I'm glad you're staying...positive about it? And you're so right. It's just another hurdle. Albeit a large one, but still.
    I didn't really know John from one on one exchanges but I saw him on tinychat a lot and we had a lot of post exchanges. I never suspected he was depressed because he always seemed so happy. I just keep thinking about the times where he would come on tinychat with a big cup full of coffee and that big smile. Even if you didn't know John personally it seems like there's still a lot of emotional damage there because this community is so close. I'm so thankful you could come here, just wanted to let you know that I only remember John as laughing and playful and all of the good things.
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