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  • Thanks! It's nice to hear when someone agrees with my opinions because I'm usually too nervous to put them out there in full. :D
    People often only want to see what they want to see, or what they have personally experienced. It usually takes a lot, or a significant case/shock to make someone see outside of their own comfortable box. It's terribly sad but true. However, I am really glad that Quinlan brought this topic to our light. It's good to stir the pot in my opinion. :D *returns hug... loves hugs* :hug:
    No problem, herbal remedies always sort of fascinated me and I'm glad you asked the question. I have a Chinese Herbal Medicine book, but sometimes some of it has big, I mean really big risks.
    Oh, that's right! Hehe. I almost posted in there, but I really had nothing to add. Your words were best, so I let you know. :) And you're quite welcome! (Little tip though - leaving out the context in the initial message is confusing for me.) LOL

    You know, I thought it might be that... but I looked, and I honestly didn't think I actually posted there. Must be blind too... lol ;)

    Ya, definitely hope things improve for her.
    I do too, but you did great. I added my own post, not as clear and I'm not sure it was all that helpful, but you know I always have something to say, whether helpful or nor.
    :P While having no limit frees my mind, but sucks for getting stuff done. However, creative awesomeness is sure to ensue
    Yeah =/ You guys limit the possible by putting lines and using the word impossible. It makes me sad.
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