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  • You have nothing to lose Sarah other than what your current state of being is now….and I know from speaking with you that that is not a place you wish to remain.
    Go for it!
    I had a really good friend who taught business English in Japan…he even met his now wife there and they live in Australia.
    He said they treated them well..paid a good salary but also paid for your food and shelter while there as well.
    It would be a good experience for you probably!
    If I can get up lol I will go to a very nice beach and I will take photos, maybe I'll post them on the photography thread. And yes, I was reading and laying, so relaxed, my cheeks got read from the sun. Is it night there already?
    my friends are always telling me that I'm pretty,I don't think I'm ugly but it's ovbious that they exaggerate. You can feel pretty too and you are. Usually I'm really awkward XD. I just felt really nice yesterday, I guess it's the sun. I planning to go to the beach tomorrow :m096:
    lol I know what you mean, I don't usualy look well when people take photos of me. Yesterday I took a few selfies for my best friend and I felt so pretty.
    Lol, that's nice to hear. ^____^ Yeah, life can be so busy sometimes that can't stop to think about own feelings.
    No problem. I'm glad for you and I hope you will get accepted to that school, you deserve it. :hug:

    It's fine, I understand. Life gets busy sometimes. :hug:

    I'm feeling better now, no flu anymore, just still sad sometimes though... :/
    hey sarah! My username on here used to be Neverwhere, and one of the guy in tiny chat used to call me neverbeef. I felt like changing my username one day and one of the guys said Katniss Neverbeef -- its kind of ridiculous, but I just did it. It's easier to just keep the same username now.

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