Jill Hives
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  • Not sure if you've heard of this, but baking soda and water can really help with heartburn in a more natural way. I used to do that to treat my heartburn.
    Hey. I just wanted to pop by and tell you I tried your corn meal/yogurt/honey concoction for a facial scrub last night. I liked it. :) It's easy to mix up and I keep the remaining in the refrigerator. I don't know how long it will last - but it's quite convenient to just make up some more. Thank you for the suggestion.

    I'm glad that you have found this wonderful feeling and chose to accept it.

    It was also really really nice to see you/talk to you tonight. I've really missed you! Also, I wasn't kidding about the reiki. If you want, can send you some periodically over the next few months. It doesn't take long at all, you just have to be willing to accept the love energy. Also, around your due date, it will greatly help you.
    That feeling of being ONE....being unified with the universe is a beautiful freeing feeling and makes loving everyone so easy and genuine.

    You are a true crown : )
    You lived in New Brunswick too? You sure have been a gypsy - all over Canada - haven't you? I've only been to Toronto and I loved those trips. I think the whole country is probably beautiful.
    Haha! I have done that a few times. One time I was at the store with my friend and I had her smell the scents I was deciding on, and she said they ALL smelled bad! I actually wondered if my nose was broken or something lol
    lol I know, right? I died laughing at that. It's too bad though. I think sometimes things are a bit fucked, but so it goes. It's all about feelings and perceptions.
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