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  • I can feel the chocolate running down my mouth and myself getting fat just from looking at your new avatar...
    All good- Just preparing for end of trimester exams next week. Also, I dont know you well, so I want to familiarise myself with your posts so I can be more honest in my response.
    Hey. I will try to do one next week. I would like to give you a thoughtful response, so I'll have to think on it first. Thanks for asking
    Paranoia is more loaded than curiousity.... loaded with what? ...


    I think that's it: curiousity is about gratifying the intellect. Paranoia is about gratifying the emotion of anxiety.

    A sin and a merch.

    The pay server I hear is policed better against bots, but the free to play of course are botfests about as much as when it was such pay to play and such a grindfest that it was almost required playstyle and part of the game was avoiding GMs and being reported. They've actually improved the grind a bit and they'll host 2x drops and 2x exp events on a semi regular basis. They also have quests and weekly quests that are an improvement to the grind. I botted my sin to 3rd class a lot faster than I expected to. I didn't think I'd even be able to make 3rd class. I made it in little time and the quests encourage actually playing some of the time. lol I haven't been botting/playing for quite awhile now.
    It's actually free to play on the official servers now. Still and always will be a bot fest though. lol ;)
    I enjoyed reading the entire source article of the link you posted that you quoted from in your Subjectivity in Truth thread. Thanks for sharing that.
    There is no such thing as good. Everything has both negative and positive
    consequences outside of our comprehension. I think.

    That's always the dilemma: which path to take. No path is "right". Regret is
    always felt no matter what because animals, humans included, are programmed
    to never feel satisfied. It's what keeps a species alive.

    I want to take some drawing classes when I move. Maybe if I do I will share my
    arts with you! I would love to see what's in your head if you could ever manage
    to capture it :)

    I have drawn and painted both, but not much. I am mostly trained in water
    colours when it comes to painting. I have a bunch of oil paints. I would like
    to learn to oil paint better.

    I am moving.
    Why do you ask?
    The changes are scary. I'm dealing more and more with my
    schizophrenia. It's a relief and terrifying at the same time.

    Tell me your thoughts. Describe your drawings. I want to
    take drawing and painting classes after I move. I'm sad
    though because there's not room for my art supplies in
    my suit cases ):
    Life is progressing for me very fast.
    Making many changes.

    And you?
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