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  • of course, having someone to share your happiness and days with is something we all want, I could'nt agree's after all one of the things that helps grow as people =)
    not all the time...they get let down alot hehe
    and I agree that relationships are important. but what I mean is how some people cannot move on with life if they dont have a significant seems to be the only source of happiness they have
    thanks for liking my post! =)
    I thought I sounded too much of an idealist in that one :p
    Ah, yeah... I've been awesome a while now. About 4 - 5 months.
    the lolwut pear

    I just thought it could be because I was linked from UG :p
    It's a community on the internet, where they use a lot of those memes :p
    I have the strange feeling you are a member of Ultimate-guitar. Can this be true?
    Sithious said:
    "Umm, guys.

    There are no girls on the internet"

    Laughed so hard! ... Then discovered I had to spread rep around before I Could give it to you again. :( (Gender ratio thread)
    woah! i just noticed we have the same birthday!!!..and that you're a year older! loll
    ha! awsome! :D
    Thanks Sith, it does help. And you're right, I am the kind of person who doesn't tell others much. I just hate feeling like I'm a burden, and I feel like such a silly girl sometimes...

    But I appreciate your thoughtfulness, and I am sure I will feel better soon.. no worries. :hug:
    Honestly? Well.. the truth is that I have been kind of down lately. I feel foolish for saying it, but I felt kind of invisible lately, and a bit under appreciated. I hate feeling this way, because it makes me feel silly to think I deserve anything. I mean... what makes me special ( you don't have to answer that, it's rhetorical) and why do I want to be seen and loved and held. But I do, and I'm not... or at least not in the way I would like to be.. And that poses another question.. who am I to tell others in which way to view me, or love me. People do things in their own way. I do things in mine, why do I feel the need to feel special and thought of, even for a few moments? But I do feel this way.. and so I have been down.. and feeling so silly for it all........
    Hey sweetie. Sorry, I have been in the process of moving lately and I am in transient now. Actually I am currently in the States on vacation, and getting ready to look for my new place. Trying to take it as easy as someone who is always nervous can...

    And as for necklace... well is there one in particular you're asking about... because I have a few.. and I lose things all of the time, some things I don't realize until much much later.
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