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Saru Inc
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    Are you really a unicorn?
    And about those portals, how many can you create at a time?

    I don't really have an opinion on her.

    Though she sure makes a blow up Dolphin look exciting.

    I just think so. You're like this Scottish fag I know who's all 'WHOOPPP WHOOPP' and knows all the words to the Gaga songs.
    Just a little hyper girly boy.

    It's pretty hilarious.

    Oh, also, your sexuality is really quite unimportant, don't worry about it.

    I never really talk about my sexuality.
    Ah, a legitimate excuse for not replying!
    Four hours? Damn, I feel bad for you now, taking so long cleaning a car.

    Should have asked me, I'd have made you a nice cup of tea, put something nice on the telly and then cleaned it for you!

    Of course, I'd probably enjoy it, thus making it kindof redundant.
    How nice of you to offer to be my badge bitch!

    *Wraps you in tinfoil for safe keeping*
    You can have a badge with a bitch on it. Would you like a Jersey shores bitch, or a border collie?

    TIME TO GO WA WA WASH mai car. will post pics

    edit: oops i posted this on my wall. lol'd.
    Do I get a badge?:D

    Or at least a bitch.

    Hey, can I have a Bitch wearing a badge?
    Sounds similar to the weird habit I have of wishing people a hapy birthday on my own birthday.

    They go 'happy birthday melkor!' and I reply, 'Yeah! Happy birthday!'

    Hrm, I can usually say goodbye, but yeah, when I'm having one of those rare chats with people I only know online, I do tend to be...hrm...reluctant to hang up?
    Though normally it's mostly their fault, because I say 'Okay, you can go now' and they just sortof ramble for a while longer...
    No idea why they enjoy talking with me so much, and I doubt the Ulster accent helps.

    Yours reminded me of a pink floyd cover, that's a compliment!
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