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    Grappig dat uitgerekend ik (omdat ik een troll ben?) een paper moet schrijven over, en later onderzoek moet doen naar cyberbullying? :p
    oh but you should take it as your avatar, I would love to see it. Mine is not even my own face, lol!
    cheesy as not tasteful, shoddy, ugly looking, with too many colors, of poor quality

    I liked the ones that go over the whole face, but bought the one like on your avatar. I thought of putting my picture with it as my avatar, but gave up on that idea since I saw your avatar :) and will probably just put it in the members pictures someday
    I bought mine there, but it's a bit hard to find ones that are not cheesy. And you can by all the materials and make one yourself, it's not that hard at all, and painting it is funny. A friend of mine makes them, and they are just like those that you can by in Venice, she uses the same materials.
    Ah een analyse waarin ik het huidige research ernaar samenvat en interessante onderzoeksvragen kan stellen waarnaar ik de volgende jaren onderzoek ga doen.
    En nee, het is echt niet interessant.
    Seriemoord gedaan.
    Cyberpesten: moet ik nog aan werken.
    En dat wordt een kutwerk. Paper van 10 pagina's rond schrijven en ik moet mijn research nog doen. (Ik heb wel al teksten gevonden, maar ik moet ze nog lezen en analyseren. Zo'n 200 bladzijden in totaal, wel pdf files :$)
    Hey hon, I am hangin' in there today. How about yourself? We should connect again on chat. Maybe this weekend? Thanks for your kind words for me xx
    I enjoyed it M. I look forward to a more detailed session of this. Michelle seemed to have a harder time with it. I did more talking for a change. It gave me some insight into her mindset. Are you familiar with this therapy? Have you done it before?
    Awwww... I didn't realise it was your Birthday yesterday, so here's a belated but heartfelt Happy Birthday from me!:party:

    May all your fondest wishes come true.

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