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  • Personally I'd prefer to rename them as the Honey Badger forums. That's more my style.
    hahaha well that's very sweet of you. I should just talk about my feelings in every thread that comes up, ever.
    You know I just love making everything about my feelings! I am feeling fine, thanks. How are you?
    Agreed on the importance of understanding. It's especially easy to do so when books can "talk" to one another; for example, Frankenstein asks "What is beauty?", Jane Eyre responds "Everyone", and The Brothers Karamazov simply says "We live together, act like it" (if I remember properly, it's been a few years since reading Dostoevsky). Learning was and remains a roadmap to higher - if more indefinite - places, yes. (Thankfully neither absorption nor application has waned since entering public education. It's like an intellectual morgue in comparison sometimes.) I admit I hadn't even considered the possibility of laziness in college. Collectively, I know it is another institution, perhaps even an industry, but one that would nonetheless have more bite and less bark.

    You appear quite read and up-to-date yourself. There is a keen edge to most your posts.
    Ohhh I keep meaning to ask....or maybe I did already...
    Why the 3737? and is your real name Matt?
    No problem, I appreciate you offering to take time out of your day to share your thoughts on someone not quite familiar to you. ^_^
    Hehe, perhaps. I've refrained from asking all but a couple people because I assume that I've been too quiet here for people to get a feel for me, but if it's not too much trouble, then sure. If you decide not to, no biggie. : )
    Truthfully, I would have preferred to stay put, but hey, good memories are hard to argue with. It is ironic you mention reading - I've only recently begun reading extensively. My formal education up until high school was mostly done through websites ( *cough*) and old books my father had. If nothing else, I'm ready for college to come so I'll have more to read and think about.
    I only fully remember the number of times I've moved. Here are the major places:

    Canada, Newfoundland, Placentia Bay: I spent most of my childhood here, amidst the trees and streams. I do not know if you found the particular post in your excavations, but this is where I plan to return as my final curtain falls. Click me!

    Turkey, Istanbul: We weren't here for very long; my mother is deeply religious and wanted to visit religious landmarks to find some guidance, so we came here for the Hagia Sohpia and a few smaller chapels. (To this day, I still don't know how my mother knows some of the stuff she does nor how we afforded the trip there.)

    Italy, Rome:As above. The majesty of some things just stay with you, even if you don't associate with their lineage. Below is an image of St. Peter's Basilica; sorry about the poor quality, blame Google. Below.

    China/Tibet, Ganden monastery: Stayed here for a time as my parents were otherwise occupied. Extremely lucky to have been allowed in - my mother knew one of the older monks somehow and requested lodgings/teaching for me for two years. It's an interesting place for a five year old boy, to say the very least. I can't find a decent picture of it, unfortunately.
    Your characterization, obviously thoughtfully created, is appreciated. You have an interesting presence on the forum.
    the only time i got to play N64 was at my friends house lol. (mostly mario kart 64 and goldeneye haha). my nintendo era ended with SNES. the next system i bought was playstation. (and absolutely loved it). then playstation 2. and thats where it has ended, lol.

    i'm not hip to the newer gaming systems unfortunately, though some of the games nowadays seem quite epic.
    my fav is definitely "link to the past" for SNES. (of course the original zelda will always hold a special place in my heart)

    but yeah, "link to the past" had the graphics, the music, the weapons, the giant world map....good times.
    Strange. I haven't seen either of these.... Then again, I went through a long period of time where I didn't look at anything on here aside from my blog. Now I must go look.
    I just cleared my inbox out a bit, but no matter. Who knows what the reason is. I just talk and go from there. I think I already have a sort of vision in my head of what I'll end up saying and I just let it flow naturally. I can't be bothered to think too hard on it because then I feel like I'm not being genuine.

    Have you posted a video here? You should.
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