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  • thank you so much. It has actually been a special time that I am getting to reconnect with her. Ironic that dementia is obscuring the nasty parts of whatever psychiatric condition she's had for so long. Life is weird.
    I joke though. I do love a lot of things here. The food cannot be beat and people are so chill it's pretty awesome.
    Houston is cray, there's more people just in my area, nevermind the whole metro area. Is is the definition of a concrete jungle. Flatter than Kansas, concrete as far as the eyes can see, no escape until you get to the ocean and I can't swim lmao.
    You guys do it right lol. Houston has a couple of mediocre parks, which are *always* full of people. Denver also doesn't have much but that's because the mountains are less than an hour away basically. I do enjoy how big cities have all kinds of little spots to discover. Always something new of interest. I do love lakes! There are tons of lakes in Colorado that I used to go fishing at. So peaceful.
    Yea now that I've been living in a big city for a while I do appreciate all the amenities. But I still thoroughly enjoy not being around people and chillin in nature. Just a product of being raised by hippies lol.
    Colorado is better than all of those lame places :mcunni:. Wyoming and Montana would be cool too, but they've got a lot of boringness/flat nothingness as well. It's all about the great divide.
    Heh well I'm from Colorado so midwest has always been most beautiful to me. Never been a big fan of coastlines, I'm a mountain man lol. I do LOVE Washington/Oregon/Northern Cali though and also Boston and Pennsylvania.
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