Billy | Page 7 | INFJ Forum
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  • I had the most bizarre dream about you today! We were both waiting to get into the Kanye West concert, and you were checking your watch (don't think you were actually wearing one...) waiting on your girlfriend to meet you. You slid your laptop over so I could watch Spongebob Squarepants, lol. *shrugs* I dunno...
    Yes well, the word you used was scary, so I stuck with it. I would say you are probably intense. I don't doubt you are a great guy but you got to admit that you can be scary/intense. I certainly don't get the shy, retiring feel from you that some male INFJs have. I will also admit I wouldn't have pegged you for "calming" . I picture you as an "on-the-go" kind of guy.
    You couldn't stay out of trouble if you tried. On the bad boy-ness least a good solid 8.5 or more depending on the day of the week. It is a good thing you are handsome or you'd be in serious trouble--bet that smile has gotten you out of some prickly situations. Be well crazy man.
    Gotta blaze. Have a great weekend. I won't say something like "be good" because I don't like to set people impossible tasks.
    I totally thought of something dirty to say but it won't let me rep you and I won't post it on your wall. LOL Gah, you made me laugh silly man.
    LOL I couldn't rep you for your fictional character comment but I would have.
    It isn't as much fun around here without your brutally honest posts...just saying...
    Mutilated bodies? God you are so harsh sometimes. True but harsh! Do you keep any illusions in your life? No wonder you get to where you think nothing matters! *sprinkles fairy dust so Billy can have magic in his life*
    Thanks for clearing that up. Just when I think I got it nailed down, she would say something to make me think otherwise.
    Hope you are finding a balanced path. Have a good weekend and stay away from loose women. ;)
    I just wanted to tell you that I am in love with your avatar. I am SO jealous I didn't think of it, first. *snaps fingers* RATS!
    I'm doing all right, though college stuff is getting to be a pain again. Luckily I finished some of it, for now anyways.
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