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  • That's what got me into Vampire was the lore. When I was first introduced to it, I just sat and read all of the books. Playing is just as fun as reading, though. I really enjoy the politics involved, not so much the combat.
    Yeah, it was Vampire the Masquerade, and quite fun. I haven't had a chance to LARP since then because no one can really manage to keep one running. They require too many consistent players.
    If you're still feeling brutally honest, you could maybe reply to that last message.. unless you're still mulling over.. by the way, how are you feeling.. good, bad, zany?
    Nope. I was a guinea pig for a friend who was considering a photography major.
    I haven't seen a clockwork orange. I have heard it's good, though.
    Nice to meet you Billy, I am Caitlin.

    I am from the southern US. Though, I currently reside on the east coast. North Carolina, to be exact. You?
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