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  • yea, i think I need to make real friends
    but people are scary and they touch me
    I went to the doctor yesterday, and had a seizure and now I never want to go anywhere again
    Thx for the rep. Btw what happened with 1) That hairdresser who charged you $300
    2) That old asian dude who was gettin' all creepy on you
    Well I guess a lot of Americans are interested in Sweden because the U.S. seems to be such a downer to us. I'd like to see what it's like to live in Canada in that there's still so much open space left there and the government doesn't seem nearly as destructive or power-hungry as the US. I'd love to see what it's like to live in Sweden, but it seems really expensive.
    goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood luck! and another fucking enfp thinks I'm an ENTP on PerC
    i saw your avatar and i thought i saw an angel at first. then i zoomed in and was like "oh, cow breasts." (this is a serious post btw). and i've been working nonstop. i think i might be in big trouble at work. ugh. i need an $800 repair on my car.
    Nothing wrong with optimism! Yeah, that question was pretty general I guess. When you say "kind of communist" I'm guessing that you mean there isn't much opportunity to express yourself in certain ways. How do you consider yourself a cultural misfit?
    Oh, well I didn't mean to insinuate that I think some people are genetically predisposed to that outlook. I just think that there are those who have suppressed their misgivings or rationalized them to the point that they will refuse to come back.

    Yeah (not a comment), tell me about where you're from!
    I do disagree, but at the same time I do honestly hope that some day you or others will prove me wrong in the course of your work, and I admire your goal. I do think that the truly sociopathic element among those who harm children is a very small minority. Serial killers, idk. =/ As far as my professional goals, I hope that I get a chance to get into this program and work with Native Americans. I really admire the reverence that they have for preserving their culture and how that culture is traditionally peaceful and harmonious. From some of the studies that I had to undertake with regard to their history, it shocked me to find out that the genocide that occurred during the European conquest of North and South America was, by numbers, greater than the Great Wars and the holocaust. Tell me about where you come from!
    No problem. You've set your sights high. It sounds like very challenging work! I wonder though, how would you react to the few individuals that you might meet who like what they do and do not hate themselves? I mean, in the course of your prospective career, you'd have to run into a handful of people like this. Kind of a grim question, I know. Are you getting a bachelor's degree in psych? What year are you?
    Oooops lol.
    why thank you :)
    Sometimes I wonder why I'm not an International Studies major...
    Haha, yeah, salad dressing and a couple other things on the side! Hey, I'm extremely glad for you and anyone who has found their calling! Understanding the human mind and using one's understanding to help others is a noble profession by all means! I'm just a little burned out from the entry-level jobs that require constant, relentless interaction with and redirection of people, specifically working in a closed-environment like a psych rehab. In my opinion, a master's degree leads to a wider variety of opportunities. Not that it will be any easier, but at least I might have somewhere to retreat to for a moment when things get stressful. I do enjoy counseling, but it's totally possible to do that without it being part of a job. I sometimes fantasize about just having a trade...something that I can become skilled at and can do on my own, with my own hands, like being a mechanic or something.

    What's your professional goal?

    edit: Yaaawwwwn, goodnight for now! Once again, nice to meet you!
    He's dreamy and awesome, and looks nothing like me! XD It's Paul Newman. He was one of my favorite American actors, and was highly renowned here. He died in 2008. Check out wiki and you'll see he did a whole lot more during his lifetime. The movie HUD is one of my favorite movies starring him, even though the character he plays is kind of a jerk. The avatar is a screenshot of him from the movie. I'd highly recommend it if you have netflix or anything like that.

    I kind of share your philosophy as far as work. Social work isn't what I consider a calling, but I'm better at it than most other stuff I try, so I figure I'll keep going with it for now. I've done counseling too, and written a little about it in my blog.
    Have you found any decent other ones? I've only been here for a few weeks and its the first one I found. I agree about the silly factor. Drama = exhausting and I have enough in real life. Don't need any from here!
    Its a relief honestly to not have to explain myself to people hopelessly haha. Always something interesting to read about as well. What about you?
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