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- 5w4
This topic really upsets me, but I keep falling into conversations where this is discussed. Some people view the possibility of knowing one's death date as positive, and others are repulsed by it.
A recent medical research team claims that it found 14 biomarkers that can accurately predict death within 5–10 years.
Similarly, Vedic astrology claims to be able to predict a person's death date.
A few of my friends have also had ominous dreams or moments just after waking up that seem real where a voice told them their day of death. One of them had this happen when he experienced Exploding Head Syndrome/ Episodic Cranial Sensory Shock, which sounds fake, but is real. (Temporary paralysis accompanies by loud noises that occur just after waking up.)
Would you want to know?
If you do want to know, what are the benefits and how do those benefits outweigh the mystery?
Possible benefits may be prioritizing things in your life and making sure you put what is most important first, which ww should be doing anyway.
Medical professionals think it may help people change their unhealthy lifestyles.
If you do not want to know, why?
Personally, I don't want to know. My friend who brought the topic up had a strong reaction against finding out, too, and claimed that it could be a full-fulfilling prophecy. If you know, you will lead yourself to that end.
The ritual of visualization works similarly: by focusing on aspects of your possible future life you make those things happen. This is usually used for positive changes and goals, but fixating on something negative can cause negative things to happen in one's life because that is the direction the person is focused on.
For me, it would ruin my life. I'd be preoccupied by the ending and forget to live.
What happens if the test, astrology chart, or booming voice is wrong? How would you react?
Do you think people's answers change depending on their age? On their accomplishments? (I do.)
Can being mindful of how temporary we are change how we (you) live? Or are we doomed to ignore this technicality?
A recent medical research team claims that it found 14 biomarkers that can accurately predict death within 5–10 years.
Similarly, Vedic astrology claims to be able to predict a person's death date.
A few of my friends have also had ominous dreams or moments just after waking up that seem real where a voice told them their day of death. One of them had this happen when he experienced Exploding Head Syndrome/ Episodic Cranial Sensory Shock, which sounds fake, but is real. (Temporary paralysis accompanies by loud noises that occur just after waking up.)
Would you want to know?
If you do want to know, what are the benefits and how do those benefits outweigh the mystery?
Possible benefits may be prioritizing things in your life and making sure you put what is most important first, which ww should be doing anyway.
Medical professionals think it may help people change their unhealthy lifestyles.
If you do not want to know, why?
Personally, I don't want to know. My friend who brought the topic up had a strong reaction against finding out, too, and claimed that it could be a full-fulfilling prophecy. If you know, you will lead yourself to that end.
The ritual of visualization works similarly: by focusing on aspects of your possible future life you make those things happen. This is usually used for positive changes and goals, but fixating on something negative can cause negative things to happen in one's life because that is the direction the person is focused on.
For me, it would ruin my life. I'd be preoccupied by the ending and forget to live.
What happens if the test, astrology chart, or booming voice is wrong? How would you react?
Do you think people's answers change depending on their age? On their accomplishments? (I do.)
Can being mindful of how temporary we are change how we (you) live? Or are we doomed to ignore this technicality?