What's your cause?


Right the First Time!
So NF's have causes right?

What's your main focus right now? How would you like to change the world? or are you still working on figuring that one out?
Still figuring that one out!
I do past life releases.I was introduced to this amazing lady a few years ago after having an experience,lets call it!and she has told me such specific stuff about myself and her sessions HURT. Did them for two years and lived like a hermit. Cried up to 3 or 4 times daily and stopped them for 6 months as I had a sick brother but hes better now and I've started again! I really am crazy to be doing these as you can feel crap for weeks at a time when doing them.Definately couldn't do a regular 9 to 5 but am still glad to have this purpose. I really asked for a different path many moons ago and I certainly got it.Lonely,isolating,confusing,no idea where its going but feel that its something special none the less.Thats my cause. Sorting out my unconscious mind.Sorting out myself.

Not all NFs are superheroes.

For some(or most as I find), we just want to live happy fulfilling lives. If that's a cause then okay. But if not...

Way to bust my thread SH! ;)

Doesn't everyone want to live happy fulfilling lives?
Re: Mythbusters!

Silently Honest said:
Not all NFs are superheroes.

For some(or most as I find), we just want to live happy fulfilling lives. If that's a cause then okay. But if not...


ROFLMFAO!! I think I can agree with you SH for some of us we just want to be happy and wise...No need for anything more than what we have in our own back yard....Our cause is those closest to us...The ones who we love..
My cause is the eradication of bullying on a global scale. Similarly I want to give third world nations the chance to make it without outside aid. No money, just knowledge.
Science. Specifically I am studying physics. My general cause is to contribute to the scientific community. I am hoping as I develop my focus/specialty I will eventually be able to mingle this cause with the grander cause of resolving some of the global crises we are facing.
Satya's List of Causes

1. Have Fun
2. Appreciate what I have
3. Take what I have learned and what I am learning and apply it to making the world a better place for myself and everyone I care about
4. Infinitely expand on the list of people I care about
I want to open a successful animation studio that will become influential and rich. From there, I will use my art and films to inspire and send messages to people. I'm hoping that I'll be able to push the need for more extensive education on social and real-life issues, such as over-population and environmental instability. I want to help people see that if the American government doesn't start to deregulate, or at least get rid of unneeded programs, economic and foreign political issues will increasingly become the norm.
Or, at least that's a start to my "dream life." I have to bring myself down to reality occasionally :B But I never write off the idea that it could happen. A girl can dream, right?
I do want to travel a lot, though. I'd like to see and understand more of the world, myself, and the people in it. I have a good start there, I think.
I want to open a successful animation studio that will become influential and rich. From there, I will use my art and films to inspire and send messages to people. I'm hoping that I'll be able to push the need for more extensive education on social and real-life issues, such as over-population and environmental instability. I want to help people see that if the American government doesn't start to deregulate, or at least get rid of unneeded programs, economic and foreign political issues will increasingly become the norm.
Or, at least that's a start to my "dream life." I have to bring myself down to reality occasionally :B But I never write off the idea that it could happen. A girl can dream, right?
I do want to travel a lot, though. I'd like to see and understand more of the world, myself, and the people in it. I have a good start there, I think.
Wow I had the same ideas except I'm going to try to become a scientist and find a way to find filter recycled goods out of trash. So all the garbage would go through some sort of filter process that is not by hand.

Right now I'm focusing a little on school (since it's really easy so far) and more on swimming, tennis, and music instruments.

I'm also trying to become more social and get acquainted with this one girl.
I don't know about changing the world, all I want is to get my bachelors in fine arts and find a muse... Not necessarily in that oder
I am not a NF. But NT has a cause other than accumulating wealth.
I want to find out what the world would be without money or religion.

helping people

I am one of those crazies that believes in freedom and justice and I advocate for those things anytime I can. I also am a compulsive helper.
Ditto on the compulsive helping. Why doesn't my stupid helping gland realise that I do not have the energy/time to help everybody who crosses my path?
^ gotta leave time for youself :nod:

I have goals but don't have a cause, just wanna have as much fun as I can without hurting anyone.
People have the right to believe what they want and what actions they take in life.
As with everyone else has the right to choose how they react.

Then personally it would be people at the other end of what I consider moral. My personal justice on what is right or wrong and you better believe I intend to push my odds to better chances.

Grab your swords we live in a constant war of popularity of ideas and life styles.