What video game(s) do you find inspiring? | INFJ Forum

What video game(s) do you find inspiring?


theory conspirer
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Apr 24, 2018
Describe one or more video games you've played that is inspiring, and why you find it so.

It could be a 40-year old classic, or something released last year.

It could be a game that changes the way you think about life, a marvel in game design, or a game with an amazing story.

no wrong answers - thx
Eternal Darkness - shit was cray cray, made me inspired as far as how gaming can affect the player
Portal 1&2 - a perfect blend of playfulness, thoughtfulness, and insanity
FF7 - the most epic of tales with the perfect growth both narratively and in a gaming sense
The Witcher 3 takes some beating in my opinion. Its got it all and they cut no corners whatsoever when developing it.

Amazing storyline filled with great characters, beautiful and adventure filled open world, great combat system, side stories and quests are far from the typical generic shit you get with most open worlds. I could go on but yeah... I loved playing that game :relieved:
The Witcher 3 takes some beating in my opinion. Its got it all and they cut no corners whatsoever when developing it.

Amazing storyline filled with great characters, beautiful and adventure filled open world, great combat system, side stories and quests are far from the typical generic shit you get with most open worlds. I could go on but yeah... I loved playing that game :relieved:

Would you recommend playing the first two games in the series first? I'm pretty averse to playing games with "rough" edges, for the most part, so if the first games are not extremely engaging and well-done, I would imagine I'd have a hard time getting through them.
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Reactions: Wyote and JamieUK92
Would you recommend playing the first two games in the series first? I'm pretty averse to playing games with "rough" edges, for the most part, so if the first games are not extremely engaging and well-done, I would imagine I'd have a hard time getting through them.

I would say yes if you wanted the full lore experience and thorough backstory knowledge. I actually played 3 before I played 1 and 2 (strange I know) but you absolutely don’t need to play the first 2 at all to appreciate the masterpiece of 3 or to follow the storyline. I’d say if you don’t have much time then go do the minimum in 2 and then put all of your time in 3. The first one is very good too considering how outdated it is in many respects but 2 and 3 are a cut above, with 3 being the Crown Jewels.
with 3 being the Crown Jewels


Brothers: a tale of two sons

With two hours of gameplay this single-player game comes with a brain twist, meaningful gameplay and a gripping soundtrack. It's not totally fancy in anything. Especially not from the first look, and it's definitely a game you have to play yourself. Simply watching it won't do and only rob you of a unique experience. Sadly, this is all I can tell without spoiling anything. I was lucky not to know anything about it beforehand and enjoyed the full impact it had. :)

Brothers: a tale of two sons

With two hours of gameplay this single-player game comes with a brain twist, meaningful gameplay and a gripping soundtrack. It's not totally fancy in anything. Especially not from the first look, and it's definitely a game you have to play yourself. Simply watching it won't do and only rob you of a unique experience. Sadly, this is all I can tell without spoiling anything. I was lucky not to know anything about it beforehand and enjoyed the full impact it had. :)

Sweet - I will check it out before it gets spoiled for me.
Eternal Darkness - shit was cray cray, made me inspired as far as how gaming can affect the player
Portal 1&2 - a perfect blend of playfulness, thoughtfulness, and insanity
FF7 - the most epic of tales with the perfect growth both narratively and in a gaming sense

Sir, we have similar tastes in games! Eternal darkness was a crazy romp.

Topic at hand:
The Last of Us is a Hallmark of current games for me. The gameplay is fun and challenging, the story defines what you would do for family. The ending is very complicated and human. It's an experience.

The recent God of War reboot for PS4 was a true masterpiece to me. It's compelling story about a man trying to outrun His past and what does it mean to be a father hit me right around birth of my son. Timing of life and that game kinda collided to enhance it for me.

Shadow of the Colossus is another great experience. Beautiful art and most of the story telling is actually experienced thru action in the game and not forced narrative.

Breath of the Wild was a reinvention of the Zelda series. It's a different take on the format everyone expects from Zelda. It's compelling and enjoyable.
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Sir, we have similar tastes in games! Eternal darkness was a crazy romp.

Lol definitely. Agree on The Last of Us as well but haven't played God of War, not because I don't want to or anything though
Lol definitely. Agree on The Last of Us as well but haven't played God of War, not because I don't want to or anything though

God of War is a missable title. I think the series ran out of gas but the reboot was truly worth the time. My time is very limited these days so I don't get to play a lot of titles twice but I think I'm going to dust it off shortly
God of War is a missable title. I think the series ran out of gas but the reboot was truly worth the time. My time is very limited these days so I don't get to play a lot of titles twice but I think I'm going to dust it off shortly

I'm all about Shadow of the Colossus and Zelda as well
Doom (1993). Before id Software existed, games that had scrolling screens wouldn't even run on computers due to how slow they were. Not only did they solve that problem, they created the first 3D PC games that performed smoothly, and Doom was a massive jump forward for its time with dynamic lighting, intricate, texture-mapped walls, incredible character models, and innovative level design (verticality in levels, walls at angles other than 90 degrees).

Doom also paved the way for concepts like multiplayer Deathmatch/Co-op, modding, and free-to-play (with the Shareware concept). It's unbelievable to think a single game could do so much for gaming in general.

Not only that, but the theme of being a marine on an isolated military base in outer space that fights demons from Hell made for an incredible atmosphere of isolation and tension.

It's still extremely playable to this day - simple albeit tense gameplay, interesting puzzles, phenomenal sound, immersive level design, and hard-to-find but obtainable secrets in abundance. The game also has an aura of badassery that cannot be denied - the logo itself is incredible.

I'm waiting for a game that challenges what a video game can be like Doom did.

Otber inspiring games:

Mass Effect Series: Not only is the series devoted to its characters and your interactions with them, you literally get to play through the entire series with the same character you've created, and decisions you made in previous games will affect the other games. The sense of immersion this creates in the storyline and universe is immense. The best part is that many of these decisions matter quite a bit, so you'll only get the full ME experience by playing the entire series many times.

Portal 1/2 - I'm going to agree with @Wyote on this one. Portal not only proved that puzzle games could be huge, rewarding, cerebral affairs, but that they could deliver a cinematic experience that rivals cinema itself. A major revolution of the genre.

Minecraft - While it may seem a cliche choice, not only does Minecraft allow you to basically create any structure you desire with the elements of the world around you, it allows you to create switches. From switches you can create logic gates, and from these you can create... computers. Minecraft allows you to create functioning computers within the game, just an example of what a simple engine can allow for in a video game. The only issue with the game is that the experience requires your creativity, or at the very least, an agenda.

Will probably post more later...
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- My favorite game ever.

- ThatGameCompany's "Sky" is similar.

Destiny (both D1 and Destiny 2). I've had a hard time finding a game that is just as beautiful, has great female characters (both NPCs and my characters), and so many options for things to do and game play preferences. Destiny has its problems, but it truly is better than other games in its group.