What are you doing for the holidays? | INFJ Forum

What are you doing for the holidays?


Sep 5, 2009
What are you doing for the holidays?
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I'm just going to hangout with family and I was actually invited to a holiday party. YAY ME! :D
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My sister and I have decided on ham for Thanksgiving and turkey for Christmas. I have tried to cook both but for two people...yah, the cats eat like kings....

We have a wonderful holiday tradition of going to the casino Christmas Day...because what else says "holiday" but gambling????
First a light brunch with our Son and his girlfriend. He is going to have the big meal later at her parent's place.
Later on in the early evening, it will be just my wife and myself having dinner at home. We are still cooking a whole turkey along with a select few favorite side dishes. :hungry:
A Thanksgiving without a big gathering of people and everything that goes with it! INFJ heaven!
It will be me, my husband and our two babies (yes, the 5 yr old is still my "baby" to me, lol)...in our home...enjoying our thanksgiving...away from any family drama. We started this new tradition last year and it went so well that we have told both sides of the fam that they should always expect it in the years to come.

I am celebrating with the people that bring me much joy and no stress. Can't get any better than that! :)

Edit: Wait. I forgot to add the other family members that will be present: our dog, Miley; our two fish, Speedy and Mr. Goldman; our snails, Gary and Mo; and our three hermit crabs, Hercules, Shelly and Freddy.

My son gets pissed when I don't mention them when I am talking about "family". (Gotta love kids!)

Edit: forgot the cat. (We have way too many pets :( )
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Shot ducks yesterday over coot decoys: what a hoot.
Only one serving today of lunch.
Have to fend for myself for dinner, per the wife who has retired to bed.
Time for a holiday scotch!
Work tomorrow.
Had a good Thanksgiving with family and a friend today. Nice to have someone join us.
Today, I had a fabulous thanksgiving lunch with my family, and it was neat because it was my aunt and two cousins' first Thanksgiving in America, so of course, we let them split the wishbone :)

Later in the evening, one of my Oneness friends invited me over for dinner, and I got to have a meal with all my Oneness family in my area. We proceeded to laugh, chant, read for each other, share knowledge, and heal for the rest of the evening~
Saddened because there is nobody to ride either with me or in another boat to hunt ducks the rest of this weekend. Have had a recent surgery and injury that makes going alone a bit dangerous. Mope.
Think I may have found someone to hunt with once a week, which will fit into our holidays nicely.
I bought our turkey. I will cook the meal tomorrow night, after work. We eat leftovers on Christmas or at the casino. Between the two of us, we have $57 in free money at the casino (I have $27 and she has $30). Should be a good time since there isn't any snow on the horizon and what snow we got this weekend has been cleared from the roads.

I didn't do a tree but I did put up some lights (for my sister).
Not much. Cook food, dinner with my parents, setup my servers, read books, plan the next year.