Using Fe above average | INFJ Forum

Using Fe above average

:chuckle: You don't want to see my cognitive function table.

I do.


Why INFJs can use their Fe too, too much? And is it even normal for INFJs to have their Fe function marked as "used above average"?

It's important to know what/who you are comparing your Fe to. Most of the world is not an Fe dom or auxiliary user so compared to most people you will be high Fe.
If you add up INFJ+ISFJ+ENFJ+ESFJ as far as their supposed percentages of commonality, it's only about 25-30% of the population. So 3 out of 4 people are gonna think you're a weirdo.
And that doesn't consider the Fe users who are suppressing their Fe due to a buncha stuff. Also the Fe doms don't use it the same so it's even fewer people (like 5%) who actually use it to navigate the world through decision making.

Basically the only people who are going to relate to the way you use Fe are ISFJs and other INFJs and they are both pretty uncommon. Also ISFJs are better at it in a practical sense, so there's another reason to feel bad.

If you feel particularly high Fe among other INFJs, it may be that you are in a different stage of growth, or you may just be ENFJ ;)

Hilarious name btw @periodictoblerone
Gotta love those Ni-Ti loops.

I surely have no idea what you are talking about
:yinyang: (I was gonna put a smiley, but omg this emoji!)
If you feel particularly high Fe among other INFJs, it may be that you are in a different stage of growth, or you may just be ENFJ ;)

Hilarious name btw @periodictoblerone

The truth is, i don't even know what's happening. Long time ago, I've got a result (INFJ), and I've checked it for THOUSAND TIMES (I had two years - t w o y e a r s - to do it haha), and sometimes I'm still insecure. Because one second I can chill somewhere in my mind and then - BOOM! - "WHAT IF I'M NOT INFJ AND I'M JUST FOOLING MYSELF AND OTHERS?"
And here I am again, got stuck between ENFJ and INFP (or, crazier, ESFP), trying to understand SOMETHING. And then, when all my stupid new theories got crushed and old ones became true again, I come back, 1000% sure I'm INFJ, chilling, again, somewhere in my mind, when... BOOM!
I'm trying to fight (ง •̀_•́)ง with my insecurity but oh-oh, sometimes some theories JUST APPEAR IN MY HEAD and I should collect SOME MORE FACTS to stay calm :D
thank you very much for your response!! and thanks for complimenting my nickname! ^•u•^ hope all of you there are having a nice day/night! (sorry if I'm being too emotional or if my speech seems disconnected)
Using Ni doesn't even bother me - I use it every day, every minute maybe, because I just can't fully understand and properly accept the world without Ni. And I become exhausted with this function only when I'm trying to brainstorm. But Fe exsausts me way easier. *le sigh :(* And here comes insecurity again, haha
But Fe exsausts me way easier. *le sigh :(* And here comes insecurity again, haha

Do you have any examples of Fe exhausting you? If so, what was that like, and how did you deal with it?

What do you think is the origin of this insecurity (or, what makes you feel insecure [if you don't mind me asking, of course])?
Do you have any examples of Fe exhausting you? If so, what was that like, and how did you deal with it?

What do you think is the origin of this insecurity (or, what makes you feel insecure [if you don't mind me asking, of course])?

I think I understood my thoughts whilst writing about them... :D Here they are:
I remember that my group mate once said to me: "There are other students in our group who work hard, too, but why do you think everyone asks you for help?" Uh-oh maybe I shouldn't write all of it in that tone... I LOVE helping, yes, but when I found out that other smart students are waiting that I'll do all job by myself and then share it with them, I was really angry inside. I quietly delete all my work process from public folders (it was IT, so it's really easy to steal completed tasks of other students - that's actually what other students, not only from my group, were doing with my works). It's not that I'm stingy - no, I was really happy that so many people use my works and know me for them and APPRECIATE ME! But when I knew their true attitude about it... :/
I'm going out of topic, uh-oh. But I understood something. Maybe Fe doesn't exhaust me. I'm exhausted by that fact that nobody CARES that I care. They take my loyalty and caring for granted and they became used to it... Ugh.
Maybe I'm freaking out because of Fe so much because I feel selfish because of NOT helping people. But they better respect my time AND MYSELF >:0 I'm so angry because of it

And my insecurity... I always thought that I'm in touch with myself, but I can't sometimes even understand my feelings - it's just a huge mess of thoughts in my head :D I want to try to write everything on paper and maybe it'll help me in sorting my thoughts.

... and that's what I did right now :D oml I feel so sorry, thank you so, so much for reading!! I just need to chill, AT LEAST ONCE IN MY LIFE I need to chill x-x
Why INFJs can use their Fe too, too much? And is it even normal for INFJs to have their Fe function marked as "used above average"?

Without being technical, once you accept that if you wear a white shirt, ketchup will definitely happen. Life becomes easier. Don't share your work with others unless you trust them. I hope you're ok.
Without being technical, once you accept that if you wear a white shirt, ketchup will definitely happen. Life becomes easier. Don't share your work with others unless you trust them. I hope you're ok.

This. I needed this so much to understand. I read your words and it was like "poof!". You're so, so right. Thank you very much!
Hope I'll be able to find the best way to act