The Private Worker

Motor Jax

randomness included
Retired Staff
do you work best when there are people around?

or when there is no one else is there?

i have been finding myself working best when there is no one else around... i guess it is because i hate the feeling that someone is always looking over my shoulder...
I get a lot more done when I'm alone that's for sure. I try to get as much done as I can before my co-workers come for coffee or lunch, then I can relax and slow down the pace while communicating with them.
I like to challenge myself with time management and I love lists.
I'm lucky that I work alone most of the time and only answer to one person. Honestly, if I had to talk all day long I'd go nuts.
Somehow I work better by myself. Other people around tend to interrupt my thoughts, plus they start chatting when I'm reaching my "Eureka!" moment. So annoying... :m080:

i guess it is because i hate the feeling that someone is always looking over my shoulder...

I hate that feeling also! I don't know if it's my imagination, my conspiracy crazyness, or whatsoever, but I always get that feeling when somebody's around and I get so anxious I end up messing up my task! Grrrrrrr
Yea I prefer being solitary while working. I poke my head out when I need a break, but I like being off doing my own thing, makes me feel more productive.
I have to be alone to accomplish anything of worth - but if I feel it's not worth my time, I'll get distracted by too many things. :p If that makes sense.
<-- is in open-planning office hell :(
I much prefer to be on my own when I work. I don't mind a little bit of chatter with colleagues every now and then, but I find myself becoming anxious when people constantly stop by my desk wanting to chat for extended periods.
It's almost like you need a sign that says 'Do NOT Disturb'.....'Available for Conversation'.....and 'On Break'
I work much MUCH better on my own. I like to be able to do things my own way for one. The biggest factor is I like to act the way I want. When I am on my own, I will frequentlly talk to myself, make jokes that olny I will understand. Such as a word that I may read and think it is odd then I will end up making some kind of story out it or something.

I would like to mention i HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE group projects.... will do almost anything to get out of them, haha.
Much of my career was spent working in offices with open floor plans. Basically, no privacy at all. Very noisy, very tense. I adapted. As long as I don't have to sit face to face with someone with our desks fronting each other (which I did have to do for a year, and it SUCKED, especially because we hated each other) I can find a "zone" and work within it.

I *do* work better as an independent, rather than a team. It's not that I can't work as a team, I can. With commitment and energy. But I've never been a part of one that wasn't seething with extra-curricular power plays and manipulations and crap that has nothing whatsoever to do with the job.

And that I just can NOT handle and that is what has been the reason for the end of every job I've ever had.
If someone else is there, I'll be way too distracted. They don't have to be talking or interacting with me, their mere presence makes me an unproductive waste :( Likewise group projects are always more difficult for me than individual work.
Working alone is definitely my preference! Unless daydreaming sets in..
Ahhh I was just thinking about this today, luckily when I am working its just my driller and I for the whole day. This is pretty good considering the job we do is solitary in its own way, when we are working and have set in the "groove" no words need to be said, the only words said are by my driller "grab this ,grab that". When we are done working it is relaxing to have some time to casually talk, or talk about ways to make things a little more efficient.
Much of my career was spent working in offices with open floor plans. Basically, no privacy at all. Very noisy, very tense. I adapted. As long as I don't have to sit face to face with someone with our desks fronting each other (which I did have to do for a year, and it SUCKED, especially because we hated each other) I can find a "zone" and work within it.

I *do* work better as an independent, rather than a team. It's not that I can't work as a team, I can. With commitment and energy. But I've never been a part of one that wasn't seething with extra-curricular power plays and manipulations and crap that has nothing whatsoever to do with the job.

*post for sympathy factor*

So like, not only am I working in open plan office hell, but my desk ajoins some of my staff members, this means I have to be 'on game' at all times, I can't complain to my staff about shit that goes wrong, rather I have to disguise my frustration, it's painful at times! I hate open plan offices :(

Isn't this a major I trait in general? I think all of us are like that...? Mh... Maybe even more so if you're an IF because you're even more sensitive to people being around? but maybe the F has nothing to do with it
well, its more directed at; can you work well even if it is just one person in the room, and he/she is standing on the other end of the room, and even if the room is 2,000 yards long... knowing that person is watching you... do you work best when someone is there, and feeling like they are watching you over your shoulder and judging you..?

or, are you able to put that other person out of your mind and focus..?

myself, if i feel like i'm being watched, i won't work as productively as i would if i was in complete and total isolation...

(the extremes of the room are just imaginary... its just an extreme idea...)
*post for sympathy factor*

So like, not only am I working in open plan office hell, but my desk ajoins some of my staff members, this means I have to be 'on game' at all times, I can't complain to my staff about shit that goes wrong, rather I have to disguise my frustration, it's painful at times! I hate open plan offices :(


Awww, Lurker... tell ya what... I got you a belated X-mas present - it's the new-fangled high-tech artificially intelligent I-screen! (I for invisi-, introverty, and just because any new high tech thing has to have an I in front of the name so you know how "tech" it is...)

It's a screen you can put around your desk (it's only 2 mm thick so you should be able to fit it in between adjoining desks without anyone noticing) for privacy. The panels are really nano-LED panels that display an image of you working to the outside world. They block all noise so everything inside is nice and peaceful. Also, if you put it into "Auto Answer" mode, the artificial intelligence programming will enable your projected image to have "conversations" with any co-workers that come by for a chat, without ever disturbing you! And to top it all off, it incorporates some TARDIS technology, so the area inside the screen is actually larger than the area it seems to take up from the outside, so you can have two desks, a couch, a wine cellar... whatever. Hope you like it!

As far as my own work habits, I do tend to prefer to work alone, except with certain creative work. I've found that, in the bands I've been in, working with people who I get along with creatively is actually fun. I like coming up with ideas and bouncing them off others, because my ideas can set them off on something great, and vice-versa. But yeah, other than that - alone, unless the person I'm near is also focused on and buried in their work. The feeling of someone looking over your shoulder is super distracting.