The 180 Turn | INFJ Forum

The 180 Turn


Community Member
Jun 17, 2012
Thinking over my teenage years and where my anxiety began I remember that around that time I began to have a massive change in my perception of the world. All of a sudden I'd become far more fragile in some areas. I'd began seeing the tip of the ice burg on things such as who I am, purpose, meaning in life etc.

The idea of death had time for the first time in my life began to scare me and after years of being bullied at school (which was still going on at the time) my perception changed from my pain to the pain of others. All of a sudden I became some completely different just sharing the same body and using the old persona as a mask to everyone around me for quite a time, now I only put it on as a last line of defence.

I've also seen the 180 turn in other people in my life, that's the only reason why I know it's not unique to me. This for me was most notable in the only real love I've had in my life so far. Good people turn bad and vise versa, much like how a childish mind can turn to noble ambition I suppose.

I want to know if this has happened to any of you INFJs (or other types) out there, I'm sure there's stories out there just waiting to be shared.